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Woah, this is something that I have been wanting my entire life, but never had. I finally got into the Top 10 Most Prolific Newgrounds Reviewers Of All Time, having recently beat M-A-R-C-U-S. I am now truly in the big leagues and nothing can stop me. I love all of you guys and all of the tons of flashes and games you have submitted and I loved reviewing every single one of them. I guess the sky is the limit, my dear friends and I am going to keep on reviewing until I run out of things I want to review. I can not wait until "Fun Flash Portal Statistics" updates with my name there and the next Top Reviewers List.
Please view another new video, like, comment, and subscribe again. Come on, I am a truly noteworthy person on this website! You have to subscribe now!
Congrats, bro! At the rate you've been reviewing, it was inevitable. Do you think you'll ever blam and save?