Hello everybody, it's me again! I'd like to say that a lot's changed since my last post. I got a new keyboard and mouse for Christmas, and I even got a microphone! As you can see, I've made a ton of posts, reviews, and gotten lots of experience! I've gotten a new picture profile!
All I'm waiting for is KirbyfanNeox to give me a .gif for my personal icon. Please do that for me and I swear I'll be done asking for things from you, dude!
Anyway, like I said before I've gotten a microphone installed, and if someone could give me some instructions on how to do it, that'd be great! Remember, make comments or put it in my inbox if you need voices for anything. I'm looking at you, Kirbopher!
If that weren't enough, I recently finally got a profile on Youtube, which, like Newgrounds, I've never had before, even though I've gone to for such a long time. My username there is ErichoTTA.