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Very good!

I really had mixed emotions about the animation in this. There were some parts where it looked a bit too cartoonish and off model, but overall it did a good job of capturing the characters. I was also wondering why it was even about "Sonic X" but then you threw in Lecoe and Becoe. The action scenes were pretty impressive and I liked that weird shiny super form Sonic was in. I knew the guy in the cloack was Knuckles and cloaks are some of the best clothes for characters to wear. It was also nice to see some cameos by other characters like Amy.

Quite impressive!

While it may not be in the Top 50 anymore, it is still a very fine addition to the Newgrounds collection! It started off pretty good, but definitley got better. The weird thing was that when he was duplicating himself, it seemed like the duplicates were green. It was really funny to have that punchline about him being hired and then having to clean up everything. It was also funny to have those quotes at the end. The music was very stylistic and I am glad this got to be so popular.

That was very weird

I guess it was not bad by any means but it was just one of the most disorganized things I had ever seen. With the crazy voices, I did not know whether to be impressed or ashamed. It was pretty funny to see the characters get killed off. Seriously, their unimportance really showed in the story by now. I do not think Mr. Popo is black, as I think he is simply a creature with dark skin, but what the joke needs, the joke gets. I could not quite understand what was with the whole "Trunks being black" thing.

Pretty demented

It is great that someone as popular as you is still experimenting with different techniques. I thought you might have been trying to imitate Egoraptor with the designs of the women. The music is extremely fitting as well. A ton of it does not make sense to me, as how demented a doll would have to be to go insane after being left alone for less than a minute. The kid was not too smart for kicking it after she woke up. Of course, the animation is as great as ever and it was a very original idea.

Look for the Easter egg

With a movie as popular as "Inception" I knew there was going to be a Newgrounds parody of it. If only we had made fun of other movies like "Up" and "Inglorious Basterds". Anyway, it was interesting with how there were so many people who worked on something so short. I was kind of hoping there would be more surrealism as that was the reason I enjoyed the film. BTW, you click on the totem at the end for the Easter egg. While not that great, it did provide me with a quick laugh that made sense.

Quite strange

That was very weird, even by the standards of your stuff. That being said, I still loved this because it did work really well to have a plot to it. The character designs were among the most unique I had ever seen, especially with the shark boss. I love how everything came together at the end as a lot of the scenes seemed kind of pointless. It was especially nice to see that little cat cardboard suddenly run around. The funniest joke was probably when the yak was mistaken for an ox in the middle.

Needs work

I guess I can appreciate this because the animation was pretty darn good. I have not seen your other flashes, so it is a bit difficult to judge this as part of a series. It is just hard to recommend something that it so short that has only one punchline. Of course, you should by now that everybody on the Internet loves pointless violence! The animation was just fine, but you really need to work with more going on. Maybe you could release some of these short things as part of a compilation or something.

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