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The perfect ending

I was not that a big fan of the "Mario Brothers" series, but this cemented my place as a fan of yours. Apart from having great graphics (these are some of the lowest Mario graphics, but done so well) it had one of the best endings ever. While everyone dying might seem kind of morbid, it truly shows a philosophical aspect. Is this all that Mario is doomed to do and that we are doomed to do in these scenarios? Will nothing but vengeance and want for total destruction lead to our own demises? How nice of how to make this perfect conclusion only for Newgrounds.

A great character

I think that this cartoon did to flash animations what "Duck Amuck" did to regular animations. It gave the character in the cartoon a perfect way of interacting with his creator. What would happen if he did this or this or would he even have a personality at this point anyway? Even people unfamiliar with Flash can enjoy how there are just so many things to do with all the things on the side bars. I think the best part was probably when there were so many duplicates of him. It is also a great introduction to Flash at all.

The essence of 4chan

I first saw this in a time where I knew little about 4chan at all. I know recognize it as showing up in nearly every online topic when people are talking about the origins of memes. It is great fun to just find out how many memes you can find. Yotsuba and the cat of course made great appearances and the music is flawless. Even the beginning credits are fun as you can just zoom in and look at the detail of the buildings and the words on them. I love the tons and tons of things that are going on here!


I just love this submission and I think that it is one of the best stuff you ever made. I have always wondered about paradoxes and how they would play out in real life. While the alternate timeline theory is good, I think this is a truly original idea you came up with. The bunny is cute even when he is a sheep or when the stick figure is a tomato. I like the emotion put into their voices and how the actors seemed to really get into this. It was a different sort of submission from you, but it turned out to be my favorite.

It takes off!

This is where the series really starts to get its reputation as one of the best ever on Newgrounds. I love this because the sprite work is great and the action is flawless. As Sonic and Shadow only show up at the end, this is a great way to start as it depicts just the Mario characters fighting. Bowser looks great in this especially in his metal form. The pop up dialogue is done well and I would know as I was actually featured as a character in Kirbopher's TTA. The short sound clips do give good dialogue.

Where's his beard?

I liked this one, probably because it just had a really cute premise to it. I like the idea of Link wearing red clothes and stuff, especially with the little white ball on the end of his hat. I also like the reference to the previous episodes. I mean, he probably does deserve to get beat up for all the bad stuff he has done so far. I also liked the Christmas music even if it was not the best. I probaby would have liked more action in it as it was a "Legend Of Zelda" flash after all, but it had a fine premise.

Fairly enjoyable

My biggest complaint with this is that the animation just looks too old fashioned and not updated. It still had good points, especially with how funny they looked when they are running. One guy has like dozens of feet everywhere and another looks like he's trying to punch himself! I also liked how the characters acknowledged that they were in a Willy Wonka parody. I also like it how it starts off with something completely different, and then something else different, and finally to the main film. I wonder why none of them brought someone else with them?

Woah, very odd

In terms of something that had an actual story, this has got to be one of the strangest examples I have seen. I thought that it was going to take a different direction and suddenly become something gory. The zombies (I believe that is what they were?) started off in different shapes and then became more standard. They used guns and one was even more concerned about killing than eating. It never does tell you what happened to the dog on the road. If there was any deep meaning to this, it flew over my head.

Quite a surprise!

I was not looking for anything particularly great, as it seemed standard from the start, but I was pleasantly surprised! I really liked how this had such a cute overtone to it. I was expecting it to get really dark when he was burned by the Sun, but it still did a good job of keeping up the good spirit! I love how you do a great job of showing perception when he comes out of the bedroom. I wish that I had a mattress that came to life. It was also nice to throw in a little something for us gamers.

Quite funny

I was wondering how you were able to make so many things since you went into the Army. I hope you had a great birthday and I also enjoyed going to your website and checking out the stuff you bought. It had the same really cool animation style and I am starting to notice that you kind of look like Luis. I just like the way how everything moves in such a silly manner. I love the two voices you spoke in, even though I can not really tell who the other guy is supposed to be. It is great to have you officially back and making new stuff.

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