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This is my favorite submission for you and just for having perhaps the greatest animation. Mister Creezil is a great example of creativity with his design and character. Apart from being genuinely scary, it is also a great psychological test. The monser himself has no personality or free will even though he is everything Emmaline wanted. It also makes me wonder what her second wish was. It just goes to show that the true power of neglect can be one of the most dangerous forms of abuse.

An actual story!

I love this chapter, because it is here that you manage to create a story at full circle. Of course, making fun of video games is great, but having good characters takes effort. It seems like it has been such a long time since Joanime did anything here. The animation is great and it may have some of the best in a parody. It constantly looks like all of the character's body parts are moving in some way. Few flashes have managed to bag all three main awards, but this is one that truly deserves it.

Some of the best animation EVER

If Newgrounds ever got upgraded and became all CGI like most movies, it would have to look like this. It calls back to so many video game series, especially "Final Fantasy". It does not even seem amateur, it is more like something that would be on a professional website. While it may have been pretty incomprehensible, that has never stopped me from liking something. I think the best part may have been when the barcode was hidden. It probably says a lot about life, but I can just praise it for the breakthroughs in flash animation.

Any mon you can think of!

This is the funniest in the series because someone had to make fun of the genre like this. You have done a great job of combining things like Pokemon, Digimon, and Yu-Gi-Oh. I do not hold it against you that you use the n-word in the theme song. Anime is general just has these things all the time, the rival, the kind of foolish hero, and the girls who exist only for the point of fanservice. The animation is also really funny and I like it how you do not seem to copy a certain "mon" but just use generalized versions. The fight scene is especially funny.

The crossover I have been waiting for

If anybody made an official Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter series, it would be like this. The animation and sprite work (was it even sprite work?) was some of the best I have ever seen. Now, the action itself is great but what matters is that you also have a great emotional story to go with it. The music is awesome as well, even if it isn't the famous "Mortal Kombat" theme. People should make more things like this with much better sprite work and not so many visible pixels. The effects and use of attacks are great too.

I love both shows

"Ducktales" and "Dragonball Z" were two of my favorite shows when I was a kid, so it was great to see them together. For such a long cartoon, it is so great you simply do not care. I am surprised there are so many people complaining about this, as it is supposed to be goofy and not make sense. I love Vegeta's better design and then when he switches designs with Scrooge. It is funny just to see Scrooge get beat up easily by Vegeta. It even does manage to have an emotional side to it.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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