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I love watching how we managed to have some really good action cartoons even in the very early days. I think the animation in this is great, especially the design of the guy and his robot arm. You have tried to have a really interesting story along with some great action. The character is someone that you can symphathize with even though I have not seen the first entry in the series. I love the way the gun falls and the bullets fly everywhere. This was not a forerunner for anything, as it made its own great style.

It was great from the start

I was thinking that I would not be interested in seeing the trailer to a game that I had already played. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that this was really cool in its own right. It of course makes you realize that this great animation is what makes the game so enjoyable. Everyone here has tons of depth as well as unique features. They may not have names, but they can easily be distinguished just by looking at them. The scenery is great of course, especially with the arrows in the background.


I am just getting into this series and I already like it a lot! I love it simply because it is so remarkably insane and because it takes pride in all the insanity that it gives us. The voice acting was great in this one and it was great to hear people like Mutteo. I like how it does not limit itself to just Mario and One Piece characters, but throws in some other guys too. I think thse actors have real emotion in their voices and fit the bill well. While I am not that familiar with One Piece, these are characters that I can root for.

Fun enough

I thought this was a pretty cool cartoon to watch, even though I have seen better from you. I liked it how that woman appeared normal at first, then her breasts and bra just seemed to stick out. It kind of reminds me of the movie "End Of Days" (I have not seen it, BTW), where the date is really 999 that the world ends. The cuter animation was by far better. I liked the appearance of Jesus and him calling his dad. I had similar disappointment when June 6th, 2006 came and there was no apocalypse.

The best

It is my belief that this is the best thing you ever submitted to Newgrounds. As you were the guy who made the first ever submission to Newgrounds, this holds great significance to me. I just love all of the cameos by people and characters I love. It seems kind of inappropriate to use Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as corrupt, when the president who came after them was so worse. Cheetos are one of my favorite snacks and I would do anything for them. I also love Mr. T's deadpan response to everything.


This manages to have all the great animation that holds up even to today. I really like how you did all the voices, but they all seemed to be different in quality. I am actually myself a member of something of a part time support group, so this is something that I can relate myself with. In case you reviewers did not know, pickles and mayonnaise is what tartar sauce basically is. We can all associate ourselves with people who have each of these personalities. I think the homeless guy is the most sane here.

Great movie

I love this because it was one of the first truly great action cartoons ever released on Newgrounds or anywhere else! I am starting to see why this would be considered the forerunner for the Madness series. The way the characters just fly around and shoot everyone is just so cool. I like the South Park style animation and the way the blood just flows everywhere. I am glad I was able to raise this from a 3.04 to a 3.05. It really lets you go at your own pace and let you take control of the action.

You won!

If your goal was to win Turd Of The Week (as you referenced in the flash itself) then I guess you got what you wanted. I am glad you achieved something, even if it was at failing. I mean, you had to get just the right number of people who liked it or else it would have been blammed. I suggest that you work on having more than just a blank background. You should also have the characters move in a much more rapid way. There should also be a lot more action, although you probably did not want that anyway.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

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Joined on 9/21/08

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