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Very funny

It's great to see another cartoon from Bobert-Rob, especially one that is a cool slice of life thing. Well, it was realistic enough up to the point where George Washington appeared. I couldn't quite get the joke, but then I looked over to the side and saw a cartoon titled "Don't Wake Robby". Yeah. Anyway, this had a lot of funny lines (particularly with how he could have just done the last step himself) and the animation was cool. The trippy sequence didn't serve much purpose, but it was so cool I just didn't care.

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, the dream sequence was there for the sake of me just going apeshit with creativity. I don't try to make EVERYTHING funny, yaknow. I just tend to make more comedies than anything else. I'm glad you enjoyed it all, though! Thanks for watching!

Back to basics

It's nice to see more from you in this series. The wierd thing is, I've been playing that game of yours so long trying to get medals, I've forgotten what this series was like. I forgot how you were able to go really far with all the actions and things the characters do. You could really make a world out of the game Tetris. My favorite part was when he went on top of the blocks again as it reminded me of the game. The designs are really cool, and it's great to be reminded of how this stuff was made.

It floats all right

I guess you did a pretty good job on making something that it just floating, but other than that, it was bad. It would have been nicer if you were able to use the move to move arouond. At first I thought you could do that, but it was just random chance. I can't blame you for submitting this on Clock Day, I just wish my thing got such a high score. The resolution is pretty nice, and I hope this experiment worked out well for you. Next time, add in sound (including dialogue) and action.

Surprisingly great!

I had seen stuff like these that had been shown on YouTube, but I never knew it would be seen on Newgrounds. It helps that this is a really cool audio clip from a good movie. It's just interesting to see what literal twists and turns the animation will make. I find it odd how you created two accounts for yourself to be credited on the same thing. At least you made it entertaining, even if it didn't seem to take that much effort. If nothing else, you can appreciate the philosphical stuff this asks.


Well, it's quite interesting to be reviewing the lowest ranked flash submission of all time! I can easily tell this was supposed to be a joke flash, as it was submitted on Clock Day. I just always find it strange how the guy with thousands of reviews never gets into making serious flash. The quote was kind of funny. I think this at least have been more creative, with some more of those silly images floating around like in your other stuff. Hey, I made something most people hate too.

Quite interesting

It was cool how the animation was drawn, especially with how the characters moved. The biggest downside is that it had some live-action nudity, which I'm fairly certain isn't appreciated around here. I couldn't understand the language, but it was still a pretty catchy song. It was all around pretty interesting even if I couldn't understand it. I am not familiar with your work, but it certainly seems decent judging from this. I mean, it is certainly a unique flash and I've seen thousands.

Terrorists win?

This was probably one of the lesser entries in the series, which isn't to say that it wasn't enjoyable. I thought it was pretty cool how the characters all had different designs, especially the one with the box head. The bodies are thicker than usual stick figures. The knives and other weapons were designed pretty well. My only complaints are that it was a tad annoying to see that "Meantime" thing appear all the time and the music was a little redundant. I think my favorite character would probably be the orange guy (hey, orange is even my favorite color!).

Pretty nice

I think it lives up to its title as it's basically a collection of silly things that make no sense. It wasn't a collab, but it might have worked better if it was one. I probably wouldn't give this a 9 because the animation could've been a little better. It was still quite enjoyable to watch, simply because it was so freaking unpredictable! I think my favorite part was probably the guy with the sword on the mountain. The extra scenes were kind of interesting, even if they all involved penises.

Dr4g00n responds:

yup, the animation could have been better - 50% of this where uncompleted flash stuff which needed a suitable ending xD
well, majority of the people on this site love cockjokes, no idea why, but me and vainz had to ad some extra-crap to make the main scenes look better :D
thx for the review

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