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Great stuff

I've never heard of Parry Gripp before (a parody band?) but this was very nice. It has the absolutely adorable animation you have in your short stuff. I also just like the idea of a sandwich being a guy's best friend with all the bread and cheese and stuff. After awhile, the lyrics were just "Sandwich, sandwich" but it still managed to be good. Kudos for taking a simplistic idea and adding real charm to it. It's just the kind of thing a person could casually watch and enjoy, which I did.

Wow, great stuff!

It's funny looking back and thinking that these things don't have relevance anymore as Bush isn't President. It's still a great flash to watch because of the political points it makes. I liked how the people on the TV looked so stupid to emphasize their corruptness. The best animation was probably the giant robot elephant. 1984 is one of my favorite books too and it set the same mood pretty well. It sort of updated it into a more futuristic with something more relevant to that time period.

Not bad at all

While I didn't think this was funny, I admit that it had its good points, or at least its enjoyable points. The CGI was interesting, if only because it was funny in a really dumb way. I liked how the characters moved and how the skeleton reformed. The dialogue was a little hard to understand, but it wasn't terrible. I think that with more plot, better animation and voice work, this could be something really popular. I mean, it certainly is an idea I haven't seen on this site before.

Short, but good

I'm used to seeing stuff like zebras or video games from you, but this was alright. It is interesting to see the different tones you can set in your flashes. I was particularly impressed by the animation and felt it was something you really came up with on your own. I couldn't tell what this was going to be about because of the "Seth" title. I know of course realize it was about the Egyptian god, Seth. He just looks really cool waving his stick and all, even if it could have been longer.

Not bad

I was impressed at how you managed to keep the humor going for that long. It was especially funny to hear the dumb dragord guy talk in that stupid voice. The funniest part (or at least best) was probably when the "Portal" thing shot itself. The animation wasn't supposed to be great, as it's probably more in the "South Park" range. It was also cool when the ninja mentioned using the dragon aorta as a flute. That is one of the most original things I have ever seen!


I don't know why you would think this was dumb, as it was done really well! While it may not have had much of a story, the artwork was some of the best of that type I'd seen! I guess I was looking for something a bit more complicated with more guys around, you know? It may in fact be the first stop-motion animation I've seen that used charcoal before. The music was very nice and fitting as well. It was really cool to see everything flow together especially when it is presented on old contruction paper.

Captain responds:

Yeah the art was very simple and not really challenging, but that was the reason why i stuck to basically stick figures and squiggles. This was the first big animation project that I decided to tackle so I kept it easy to draw so I can really get a feel for it.

Not terrible

Well, the animation wasn't anything particularly good or bad. I really couldn't understand the words at all and you really should find a way to reduce static. I'm guilty of this myself in my own YouTube videos, and I don't know how to reduce it anyway. I think that it really went on too long and I couldn't understand the plot anyway. Still, I guess you did put in a lot of effort into this. Next time, you should really put in more action and not just talk over and over.

JohnnySkul responds:

Yea, i found a way to make the qudio better but the thing was for ever 10 seconds for the audio was about 2 mega bites so i gotta find a way to do this. It really sucks bro.

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