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Great again!

While not my favorite in the series, still a great entry! It's always fantastic to see the awesome animation and voice work (Rina-chan does it perfectly as Zelda). There may not have been that much action, but still a great thing to see. I know this is going to be easy to say, but I thought it was hilarious with that sound effect recording.


Okay, I had absolutely no idea what was going on, but I loved every minute of it! I really think that if executives did go out and make a Canadian show about a talking pineapple, this is exactly how it would play it! Those crazy Canadians!

I loved seeing all the different animation, though I was a bit confused by Oney's contribution. Who eats the raw outside of a pineapple anyway? Then again, who meets a talking pineapple in the first place? I also liked Pilote with her (his?) possessed looking eyes, and when Pilote went through the skeleton's body.

On an educational note, it was nice that I got to learn some French at least. I'm no good at learning languages, but it still worked out very well! For the rest of my life, I swear I will now that French for "pineapple" is "ananas". Speaking of langauge, it must be weird to say "seal" in French, as it sounds just like a common curse word in English. Oh well, I had a great time watching this!

Bobert-Rob responds:

Yeah, I have no idea how they came up with this one... it's like the budget was so low that they just scrounged up as much as they could for show elements, making it up as they went along. Crazy Canadians indeed. And in Oney's part, well, he was probably just hungry. When you're hungry, you'll do just about anything... including biting a living pineapple in the eye.
Glad you enjoyed it!

Great episode!

Here you bring us another great episode of Weebl and Bob! I have to say, I really liked the use on word play in this one, "boozes", that's clever. I never thought I'd see blow-up dolls in one of these cartoons, but they fit together well. ZekeySpaceyLizard is working with you again on this one, I see. Is he British or something?


Wow, dude, clocking in at about 20 minutes, it's the longest flash I've seen in a long time. Anyway, all I can say that this was pretty satisfying to watch. While I admit it wasn't a great one (maybe a bit too much with the sex jokes and the animation was pretty cheesy) the jokes worked well on their own, and I felt it kept a continuing story for that long a time. I haven't seen the others, so it's a little hard to understand what's going on, but still nice.

JunkYardAnimations responds:

hahaha thanks glad u liked it, and yeah i wanna get this series on tv so i can hire animators and sound guys :P

Pretty enjoyable

As usual, it had your fantastic goofy animation, and I could tell it was going to have some uh, weird stuff from how erotic the licking of fingers joke was. In spite of all this, I'd have to say that best part was when he talked about how rapping about male genitalia was a part of life. A pity you're in the army now, but thanks for the memories at least!

Eh, okay

While I can at least say it was better than the standard Kitty Krew's work, still not that impressive. Yeah, I know it was a joke flash to end Pico Day but it's kind of hard to enjoy those in the first place.

Splendid animation!

Happy belated Halloween to you and let me just say that this had simply fantastic animation! I couldn't understand the story that well (it was basically about monsters and ghosts and stuff), but it was just an all-around positive thing to see because even through all of the implied dreariness it might have had, it was just very nice to at least look at.

Very nice!

The animation was a little simplistic, so I couldn't help but think this may have been one of your earlier animations, but it turns out to be recent. Anyway, despite said animation, it was a very enjoyable flash that did well in spite of, or heck because of, its simplicity. The best part was when they entered Cloudland and encountered the Sun who just casually punched them away, not to mention it was awesome how he used the laser meme to defeat the wise man NOT in a box (funny, too) and then just casually telling another guy there it was a secret.

At the beginning, they should have said, "For great justice!" or is that meme just dead now?

Oggy-cheese responds:

Thanks. I know what you mean about the simple style. When I first started making flashes, I was aiming some really detailed and mega graphics stuff, but I was never able to do it, and recently I've been going for a simpler style instead, I find it nicer too look at, simpler to animate and it's a style that suits me, rather than trying to achieve the level of detail in flashes by Adam Phillips etc. I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

It was fine

It wasn't that good of a flash, but it was okay. The animation was really good or bad, and neither were the jokes or the story. I will say that I liked how goofy this whole thing was! You had these hats who never changed expressions, yet they suddenly shifted to extremely angry for seemingly no reason. I also like how the two guys at the end just stand there doing nothing waiting for the hats to beat them up.

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