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Very nice indeed!

The action scenes in the beginning were great, and I really have to appreciate the sprite work that was shown here, especially with Gambit. It was awesome how he so casually killed all of the other characters except for Sakura! I will say that it did lag on a bit with the talking but even that wasn't too bad. The voice acting was very nice as well as the conversation, but I would've liked it more if it had been moving pictures instead of single-frame. Still, you did a great job at this and I look forward to the next entry in this series.

Here you go again!

You're one of my favorite authors, TommyVF (although I of course have too many to name anyway) and I thought this was very good. I loved the animation as it was so ridiculously goofy but still flows well throughout the entire thing. The action scenes themselves were great especially with the slow-motion. I also liked the music and I thought it had a really cool ending.

TommyVF responds:

Wow, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the action scenes, as well. I spend a lot of time on those, so I hoped somebody would comment what I made there. :)


Nice enough

While I can tell that the animation wasn't that complicated to make (or the voice work for that matter) this was still a pretty good flash. I liked the sound effects you did have not to mention that it's always a good idea to throw pirates in the middle of everything. Burgers are great too!

It was OK

I guess the song wasn't particularly bad and it was fine for Clock Day I guess. It was kind of funny when you showed all of those images although I admit a lot of them weren't very pleasant. I would've like to see happier images of the most delicious things imaginable but with the picture of the guy vomiting I tend to think that's not what you were aiming for.

Rabid-Animals responds:

I'm not sure any of us knew what we were aiming for.


Nice and goofy

These Madness shorts get me everytime. While it pretty much was just a bunch of images put together to music (and I didn't rank it that high anyway) it still worked pretty well in its simplicity, as Madness Combat (especially the versions with the goofy faces) is such a flexible idea it can work well when put to various mediums. The music itself wasn't too bad either.

Nice paradox

I've always been interested in paradoxes as well as jokes, so the buttered toast/cat paradox works out great for me! This is a pretty generic idea, I'm sure, so I wouldn't accuse you of plagariasm anyway.

Also, I liked the animation (the cat was pretty cute) and I especially loved your simplistic "boom" sound at the end. That made it.

Loved it!

Ooh boy, I had no idea what to expect but I was glad to find out it was something great! While the humor may not have been perfect, this gets a 9 from me simply because of the animation. I love how the characters move their bodies all around and their general design. The voice acting is fantastic as well, I thought that Rina-chan at first as Michelle. I'm eager to see more episodes.

Not bad at all

This wasn't bad at all for a first flash movie. Granted the humor wasn't really that highbrow (at least not to me) but everything worked out pretty well. The goofy animation was pretty cool and it is interesting to be introduced to a whole new character and a whole new series. I can see this series becoming more recognized in the future.

Pooping bones

I see you're again making flash, Matzerath! Well, this had all of the grotesque (if simplistic) animation as all of your other flashes as well as a lot of good humor. My favorite part was about getting more folds of fat like a slaughterhouse cow. Nice how you gave us a warning it wasn't supposed to be intelligent with the title "Stupid Apocalypse". I also like the appearance of the monster or whatever that thing was.

I liked the upside down candles

I wouldn't say this was one of your better entries, but it was still nice. The voice acting worked well as always in addition to the cheesy animation. I liked the ingredients that were put in as well as the dry humor emitted by everyone. My favorite was probably how hard it was to get a silver chocobo, much less a gray one!

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