View Profile Ericho

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Another great!

I've always loved your flash, so it was very nice to find yet another movie from you on this other account. This was a great find, because the animation and voicework as always stuck well, but simply because it was also so down-to-earth. It was a simple story (based on a simple assignment) but it all moved so fluidly and really has its own spark to it.

Very impressive!!

I didn't know what to expect from this flash, as it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary, but I was surprised to see it was very well-paced with a ton of impressive animation, not to mention some good fighting scenes and the like!

Little late, but still good

This wasn't one of my favorite Pico Day flashes, but I will say the animation was quite impressive. It was also great to get down to the deconstructive nature about the concept of Pico and the character development.

BiffTheTimid responds:

Can it be your favorite one? Come on, please? Thanks for the review. And make this your favorite.


I especially loved the quality of the animation. Of course, the humor was great as well. You should make a "Marijuana Man" next or something.

You did it again!

I thought this was better than the original and it was longer and certianly had more depth to it, and the color effects were simply enchanting, and of course the fight scene(s) were good.

Great demo reel

I'm a huge fan of demo reels, and this had pretty much everything you could ask for in one! The random scenes showing off your work through the past year is simply a cool idea in itself, not to mention the catchy music.

The Best!!

I loved this flash, if for no other reason than the animation. It's a sort of surrealist Ren-and-Stimpyesque kind with exaggerated body motions and unpredictability! It was great to see it continue as I thought it was over right before the castle crasher showed up! Always love your rendition of the Tricky song at the end.

Happy Pico Day!!

Gonzossm responds:

hahah thanks mang. Everything I make will be overexagerated and random lol

One of the best

This is one of my favorites from this year's Pico Day. It's simply a fantastic art style, not to mention that the genre itself really manages to deconstruct the whole idea of Pico and the notion of surviving a school shooting through actual deep thinking. A bullseye!

Another great flash for Pico Day!

I loved the stylic parody of the classic 1920's style cartoons, thrown in with a ton of modern-day irrelevant violence.

That krazy Ku Klux Klan!

Great flash!

I can easily say that this is my favorite of any of these "shape" flashes I've seen in Newgrounds, as it's one of the least that isn't done for just joke purposes and actually has plot and depth to it. I can't believe it's been this long without realizing Darnell was Mexican! Geez, how dim am I?

Back to topic, I especially loved the ending.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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