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Not that bad!

Sure it was short and dumb, but it had a lot of creativity going on with it at least!

Quite enjoyable!

That guy looks like a boring Pico, sort of. I'd also like to say it was cool how you had a remix of the "Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air" theme song in the background, and of course how you pointed out how the guy wore the same clothes. I'd know about that. That's what my brother does.

CoolDrMoney responds:

Ye its real gross right? B)

It was great!

The voicework was fantastic (if not some of the best I've ever heard) and the atmosphere and action were great as well!

I will however, admit that I was a little disappointed it wasn't longer. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to wait for the next chapters.

Great as usual

I'll really automatically like anything related to Cat Face, simply because I love cute little cats so much. Was there ever a female in this series?

Short and sweet

It was nice of you to warn us of the brevity. Anyway, this was a great animation, because everything just moves so fluidly and the idea is so original.

I'll review them each!

1-I always enjoyed jokes about the nerd society. And I liked the big finish.
2-It's great to learn some history, especially the knowledge that the main purpose of the Civil War was not slavery, which I'm sure you know, right?
3-The best. Call me crazy, but it was funny to see that puppy shaking around. Maybe it's because I'm more of a cat person.

All in all, great!

Great song!

The animation was done very well, not to mention the song was pretty catchy.

That mean eskimo!

This wasn't a great flash, but it was good enough to give an 8 too. I admit that the animation was pretty cool-looking. I also liked how you put in that easter egg which was literally an easter egg.

Happy Easter!

grabbelfant responds:


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