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Another great flash for Pico Day!

I loved the stylic parody of the classic 1920's style cartoons, thrown in with a ton of modern-day irrelevant violence.

That krazy Ku Klux Klan!

Great flash!

I can easily say that this is my favorite of any of these "shape" flashes I've seen in Newgrounds, as it's one of the least that isn't done for just joke purposes and actually has plot and depth to it. I can't believe it's been this long without realizing Darnell was Mexican! Geez, how dim am I?

Back to topic, I especially loved the ending.

Pretty OK

While not the most artistic, the design was actually pretty good. Funniest part was definitley the naming of the soda.


It's great to see a new flash by two of my favorite animators, HappyHarry and Egoraptor! Needless to say, even though I could tell what was going to happen (well, really only the first one) it was still a great execution! I loved how the joke kept going on and was of course eventually subverted. Thank you!

I liked it

Another great entry in this "Cat Face" series. It's always funny to see Gordon Ramsey. Dressing as a banana is just so random, it fits your style perfectly.

Good work!

Sure, I could tell it wasn't that hard to animate, but you had a lot of really good intentions with making this flash. It's great to see this site being promoted by someone here with how it's changed over the years, and even how it's affected our lives in general. It also helped the music was cool.

Paradox responds:


Batatoman is cool

Dude, that was f*cked up.

Deserves a 9

It's been so long since I've seen a flash by you, LegendaryFrog, it was simply great just to watch a return. The flash itself was very nice and had a huge theme of cuteness. The whole cardboard cut-out really defines early childhood, and of course the music was sweet as well.

Cool frog

It wasn't much, but I'll admit that was a pretty cool dancing frog. The style was also nice.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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