View Profile Ericho

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Another great Sonic flash!

You did a good job as it managed to be entertaining even through it's length. Pretty enjoyable.

RicPendragon responds:

Thanks, it was quite long wasn't it :O the next one promises to be a bit longer :O

Another great cartoon!

Here's another disgusting and hilarious flash from you! It was clever as ever. I knew it was only a matter of time before Mario would explode like that.

Great as usual!

I knew that a great mind like yours could bring out a masterpiece like this! This is simply awesome, even though it made no sense, the animation and random style was absolutely terrific, especially how the background moved and the beginning where you got to see all the characters in the beginning!

Good, but...

This was a nice flash, with pretty good animation, humor, etc.

But I would like to say that I didn't like how you thought of Hinata has being overrated. The reason she is so popular is because she's the only girl who ever really liked Naruto. All of the other girls were so shallow they all fell for Sasuke, who is freaking willing to "kill everyone in the village". Hinata is authentic because she was able to overcome this shallowness and show true love and devotion to a person who deserved it with a real relationship. Everyone else picked on Naruto (they knew he was the son of the Fourth Hokage, but their hatred blinded them) but Hinata was smart enough not to go with these lost people.

That's why she's such an appreciated character.

Could have been better

The voicework was kind of funny, but other than that it didn't do much for me.


I had no idea what to expect. I was surprised it got such a high rating, as it didn't look like it was going to be anything particuarly great but I was wrong! The effects were fantastic! It may have been short, but it's a still very well done piece of work.

Nice ending

It started off pretty dull, not a lot going on, but I admit that ending was really cool and unexpected.

Not a fan, but still nice

I was never really a big fan of Love Hina, (though I do like anime of course) and the design may not have been that great, but this was still pretty enjoyable, as it was like watching the actual reunion anime itself! All in all, it was a decent job.

Not bad for first submission at all!

I really enjoyed this flash, and it went beyond a normal Madness tribute flash. It was cool to see a Jason-like character actually use guns! The carnage was great, and it went on longer than I expected, with some interesting character designs as well.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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