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Simple flash

I can see that this is some sort of holiday where you celebrate flash by making short, simple flashes. Well, this was exactly what I was expected. Seriously though, it wasn't half bad.

First flash seen with this new keyboard

This is the first flash I've seen with my new mouse and other stuff, so it's pretty significant to me!

And I would like to say that this flash was...OK.

Good Christmas present

This was a really good Christmas present. Sure, it was kind of short, but it had all the animation styles and silly humor you'd expect from great artists like ShirtTurtle, Luis, and AlmighyHans! Hope you had a very merry Christmas, all of you!


I wasn't expecting much, but this is one of the better Clock Day flashes I find hidden in the top 500! The animation was extremely fluid, and the references were awesome! I'm surprised this hasn't gotten more recognition.

Sonucais responds:

They're Clocks, what do you expect? Recognition? LOL... Screw those guys...

Needs improvement

The animation was OK, and it was a little humorous, but overall it should be longer. I gave it a "2", so I guess it's OK enough to pass.

vgm responds:


Great as always

You have set a record for the most flashes where every single one of them got an award. You're one of the best here! It's always great to see animation from places like China! (You're Chinese, right?) This was of course very good, although I'm starting to feel sorry for how many times that guy gets trampled on (or raped).


If you're going to make one of these low quality flashes, have the decency to post it on Clock Day, and not on another holiday like this Pico Day, where everyone votes 5 on everything.

WonkyTonkBotty responds:

As appealing as that sounds, I think I'll pass.


You know, I'm going to admit that when I first saw this series, it didn't look like anything special. In fact, I was a little mad that it was so popular. Now, of course, I love it just like everyone else. Oh, well...

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