View Profile Ericho

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Pretty watchable

Sure, it wasn't much, but you were talking about how it was your first support and you wanted to hear reviews. While it was boring, the character design was nice enough. I'm sorry if this gets blammed. Work harder and you can do better, I'm sure!

Kept getting better

At first, this didn't look like anything too great, but the overlongness of the gag only make it funnier, not to mention how he was telling the truth at the second to last thing.

sirjeffofshort responds:

Awesome man, I'm glad you liked it, I'm also glad you stuck with it long enough to enjoy it even though your expectations are initially low, you don't always see that kind of respect paid on the internet. I hope we were able to pique your interest enough to check out our other and future animations. Thanks for the review.

Great work!

I may not have understood a lot of jokes, but that was some slick animation you had there!

Liked the opening, but that was it

It needed to be longer (though it was nice seeing the CGI graphics), and more humerous, though I did like the opening.

Not that good

While I did like how at the end he said this would be the unfunniest joke you ever heard, you should stick to the Final Fantasy flashes. I hope a new one comes out soon! Thanks for giving that link to your YouTube profile, though. I didn't even know you had one.

The one that started it all!

It's fun to go back and see the very first flash you ever put on this website. Let me say that you've come a long way, even though this was a good way to start. The 3D effects were pretty cool as well.

Really good flash

When it started out, the idea didn't seem that original, but at least the animation was good. I really like the background story though, especially the notion of the kid being able to kill the attackers, and how he got his scars. Good job!


Before the movie even loaded, I could tell there was going to be some crazy stuff going on! Nothing really made any sense, but the animation and ridiculous use of gore and screaming suited it very well.

Kind of impressive

This was actually a lot better than I thought it would be!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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