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This is a truly fantastic masterpiece. The music is great and so is the animation. Most important of all is the message it sends. It shows us all the pointlessness of war and how it is doomed to destroy our lives and those of everyone else. Seeking control over the world is truly a pointless goal. There will always be those who will be stronger, and more people like you. The only way to maintain a steady world is the message of peace, especially the "no" sign at the end. Manuel, you may not believe in religion, but this touched me in a very religious way.


AntiClockClock, I must say that this is one of your better works! The entire thing is truly hilarious, especially the part, "Uh, I think that's how it goes in". Lol! I'm sad that you haven't made more flashes recently. Please do!

Best so far

This is the best in the series, even though I know they're all the same movie. Great animation, voice acting, humor, everything! I look forward to seeing the next chapter in this series!


I remember first seeing the teaser for this years ago, and it was great even though it was only a trailer. Now, after FOUR years, I am finally seeing this dream come true! I felt for certain it was just going to be one of those projects that you worked on and just forgot about, but it wasn't!! Thank you very much for creating this masterpiece and for getting something done eventually. Again, better late than never!

One of the best animutations

I've always been a huge fan of animutations, because they had so much stuff in it and nothing make sense, kinda like me! The music is great, and so are the endless amount of nonsensical cameos. This one now has more relevance today as of course John McCain is running for President. I'm not voting for him!

Great entry

This is another good entry in this great series! It's cool to see how far stick flashes have come and still continue to be popular.

Good as always

Another great entry to this website from you. It's amazing how you've been here in such a short time, yet have made so much. Always nice to see good Eastern animation.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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