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That was a very nice cartoon! At first, I was thinking there would be no dialogue. Then I thought there would be no dialogue with the cat. Jitters is a good name for the cat. I loved the animation, but I did think it could have been uh, a little better? Maybe the tone didn't quite fit it.

It's still a wonderful cartoon. I appreciate the colors too. I'm glad it gives you a good lesson about not believing in fortunes. Oh, that's why he had to give him back his wallet! He didn't have any money for the fortune teller! This just gets better and better the more I think about it.

I liked this, but didn't think it was worthy of this high a score. I'm really not into this Funkin Jam thing. The voices were a little annoying. Still, it did what it wanted to. I like seeing the animation. I will always give it credit for having a unique style.

Dang, that's a lot of tags for Funkin Jam. Glad to know we have a new meme. I know people disagree with me. Still better than Roger Ebert's review of "Brazil". Yeah, look that up.

I feel bad for not being more familiar with this. I don't actually have an account there. Still, you're always funny. The best part was probably the last joke. You know, with the spine disc. Their reactions are great.

The animation's still as good as ever. I didn't know animation was a tag here. That seems like a given. I never noticed 4.20 equals 420. Yeah, marijuana joke.

This was quite funny. Wow, it must have taken a lot of time to put all those bullet holes in that Lego figure. I just loved the joke about dressing like an animal. That is pretty weird when you think about it. There's so much detail put into this. "The Lego Batman Movie" was great.

I dare say this is still just as good as it. There's so much attention to detail here. Bruce looks too big. Well, there aren't many small Lego figures. Then again, they have done everything with Lego.

Wow, that was just a preview? That was freaking amazing! How did this only win Daily 4th Place?! I mean, this truly was adorable! Well, as adorable as something involving a demon can be. There is of course Satina.

This was indeed something lovely for Valentine's Day. I certainly fell in love with how cute this was. Yes, make this a series! This is something you can do all sorts of things with! You've only made two submissions, yet they're both some of the best cartoons I've ever seen here! I knew it would be short, but it was worth it!

I have to admit that I was expecting some big action sequence. This was still great. I just didn't think it was one of the greatest cartoons ever made. I thought it would go on too long. I'm glad it didn't. I couldn't follow the story at all.

It was about this character that had to go some place to get defeat a villain. Hmmm, too basic a plot. The colors were still amazing. I have to appreciate all the work put into it. Probably the best in this series.

Wow, the title didn't come in until a THIRD into the cartoon! I seriously thought that would be the end of it! I think that's a new record. I love the animation as always. It wasn't quite as good as the other episodes. It just needed some more Kirby.

It's still a great cartoon. I never thought of her having an origin story. I mean, I guess I thought it was just always like that for her. Whatever it is, it's amazing. Please give this its own section!

At first, I thought this was your longest cartoon ever. The "Haunted Duplex" bit was still longer. That was of course a three parter. I appreciate how authentic it is. I remember Middle School. I was like the only kid who didn't swear!

The other kids said "shit" a lot. Hey, the quadratic formula! I remember having to memorize that! A pity I can't anymore. At least I can recognize it!

Wow, that really impressed me. I thought it was going to turn out to be incest. I mean, your cartoons are usually crude. It seemed like an easy way out. The ending was in fact sincere. I mean, it was certainly downer, but sincere.

This was a very successful Valentine's Day! I'm glad we had such a successful year. This may have been the most serious cartoon you ever did. The animation was great too. We do need to pay attention to love more. We know how this poor kid feels.

At first, I thought it would be romantic, friends, and family. Those are the three basic kinds of love. The best one here was easily rushed. Wait, what if their genders were reversed? I don't want to have a double standard. That's still incredibly steamy.

Happy Valentine's Day! I loved how this was longer than the usual cartoon from you. It's one of, if not, THE best submission you've made. I'm not sure if corona virus is an STD. You'd probably still get it, though. Anyway, this is wonderful and hilarious.

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