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Hmm, it was just a gif. It would have worked better as an art submission. Then again, you couldn't have used music. This was certainly beautifully animated. It did seem too redundant. It still deserves to be recognized.

It's certainly in the style of Gorillaz. It works well as a tribute to them. Yeah, it is mostly fanart. Still good, though. Glad to know this website is still making high rated cartoons.

Hmmm, I liked this, but I don't think it's great. I knew it would be one of those "What Is Love?" cartoons. I just wish it was more. It's fine for what it is. It just seems the same as the other ones. Whatever, it was fun.

The layout is cute. It's just not that great. I like that guy at the end. I'm glad it wasn't too long. Would have worked better as a gif, which you already even show.

Your first ever animation? And it got frontpaged before even passing judgement? Good for you! I admit that it could have had more action. Still, it was quite unique. I loved it when the giant one appeared.

Battle was still short, but still very creative. A fair amount happened for such a short running time. I probably say that too often. You seem to have great potential. Happy birthday to Kurdlez!

This was absolutely incredible! I realized that I hadn't seen every bit portrayed in this. I had seen so many YTPs, I thought I saw them all. This might set a record for most different art styles of any collab! I can see why it took months. I loved the "Peanuts" shift.

It's amazing how something so stupid can create something so beautiful! I mean, the dialogue was awful! I kept expecting it to rhyme! This is something you could watch forever. I'm glad so many people were united to make this. I could only hope to count all the segments.

That was definitely good. I just didn't think it was one of the best cartoons out there. I did love seeing the animation. That was honestly probably the strongest part. It's been awhile since I've seen that movie. It's not quite one of my favorites.

Still a fantastic movie. I can remember most of it. Loved the shout out to "The Incredibles" at the end. There is the theory they're all in the same Universe. Possibly confirmed.

At first, I thought it was weird how you just showed the same image. Satina is simply that cute of course! I just see her turn pages all day. Not that I wouldn't rather see Lucia... I loved the comments too. That was what really made it funny.

I loved the joke about Dave banging the Queen of Hell. EVERYONE'S been wondering about that. Let's just assume she has a small vagina. Or Dave has a huge penis. Or the easier answer and Lucia can just change sizes.

Dude, I had no idea this would be so good! I know your cartoons are short, so I didn't think this would be that good. This seemed long! I mean, you just kept showing character after character. Amazing how much you did in such a short time. You deserve recognition.

I'm assuming most of these are canon. I know at least some are. It's hard to keep up with the massive amount of video game characters going around nowadays. You certainly did these characters justice. You tell so much in such a short time. I thought it would be humorous, but it's wonderfully serious.

That was odd, but very funny. I knew we'd get something good out of the intro. I do love doing that. You know, with the names. I was inspired by "The Amazing World Of Gumball" to name characters Mybutt. You can get a lot of mileage out of that joke.

Maybe it should be rated A because it shows closeups of bare boobs? Then again, those could just belong to a fat guy. The sounds were good. The ending was a little abrupt though. Still good for laughs.

I'm impressed at how prolific you are. I was confused as to when the credits were shown. I was afraid you were going to just show a bunch of credits. So glad you didn't do that! Orange is my favorite color! A pity nothing rhymes with it.

It was quite unpredictable. You knew how to put a different spin on every joke. It's nice how it abruptly ends too. We really have been getting some great stuff lately. I'm not looking at you, illwillpress.

squeakytoad responds:

Thanks, Ericho, always appreciate the thoughtful reviews!

Kind of weird to promote another website, but still this is great! I guess I was expecting more of a collab. It seemed to just be one style. It's still very impressive. It really did get emotional. It's hard to do that with stick figures.

I guess stick flashes will never die. I'm glad, as they are great. Technically, it's stickMEN. Whatever, it's very nice. While I haven't seen them, it definitely seems to be the best in the series.

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