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That was quite nice! I admit I'm not the biggest fan of Pewdiepie. I watch some of his videos every now and then. The animation was so crisp in this. That's so great of a parody. I don't actually play Minecraft.

I'm aware of how immensely popular it is. It's hard not to ignore something that popular. I admit I didn't know there were horses in Minecraft. Well, I am a brony. There's probably everything in Minecraft.

Happy Valentine's Day! Well, I guess this is a pretty appropriate time to release this. Well, this and any other time. I mean, that's what this channel is all about? Well, not really love. I know that's not the same as sex.

Oh well, we all get the idea. The animation is gorgeous. I always recognize Bennett's voice. No wonder he scared away AskThatGuy. Short, but good.

You know, I will admit your animation style has improved. The characters seem more expressive. Anyway, this did raise some interesting points. This is why Foamy has few friends. I liked seeing Pil-ze. That's how you spell his name, right?

I did like how Foamy mentioned going outside. Hey, I walk everyday! Still hard to believe it's a new decade. Well, it did win Daily Feature. I think this series can be good.

Wow, that was odd. Seeing as how this was part of a series, I expected it to have you know, a plot. Instead, it was mostly just random images. That's still not a bad thing! It was very well animated. I appreciated how unique it was.

I sure couldn't understand it. I didn't even know this had its own section. I had to see something that had won Daily Feature. It's definitely creative. I do wish it was more comprehensible though.

I remember when "South Park" was talking about vapes. I wouldn't get into that. It reminds me of the movie "Thank You For Smoking". The guy in charge of smoking says he's way more dangerous than guns or alcohol. I don't think vaping is safe. I wouldn't want to take the risk.

I especially love when they say to stop acting like babies. Yeah, I liked the cool kids bit too. The animation really is nice. This should have its own section. You guys continue to make new shows.

Kevin MacLeod again? Anyway, I think I was bitten by a dog or two. I'm a cat person too! Nice to include that real life footage. I doubt the dog talked. Still, it's funny to hear an exaggerated version of your childhood.

I never saw "Rush Hour". I really did grow up in the 90s. Yeah, I remember Michael. I'm glad I never had a dog. Dang, is your life ironic.

Great to know how topical you guys are. I liked you mentioning the Super Bowl. That seems like it would be the big topic! I didn't know much about this. Well again, I just know about the Super Bowl. The animation was pretty good.

You'll just never run out of topics. I mean, there's always something new in the news. Maybe that's why it's called the news! This virus doesn't seem so bad. I do love zombies.

Well, that was interesting. Was it supposed to be sad? I felt bad that these cats had no heads. There was a phone with a cat's head. Inverted! The animation was great.

I don't see how this was a comedy. It was at least unique. Hard not to love cats. I did feel for these cats. Happy Super Bowl 2020, I guess.

I had no idea this would be in Spanish. It has English subtitles at least. I always watch the stuff on the front page feature. Is that what you call it? I was hoping for a collab. This was still great.

The colors were great. It was funny to see dogs doing all this stuff. A pity I'm more into cats. That's how it is on the Internet. I just wasn't expecting a music video.

This was just a clip from the episode. It's hard to recommend this. I mean it's hilarious, but it doesn't mean much. This was the best part of the cartoon. I remember Michael Collins. I don't think he even went on the Moon.

Wow, that must have been underwhelming. At least Buzz Aldrin got on the Moon. Really, anyone on the Moon would be really famous. A pity we haven't gone there in a long time. I remember when Neil Armstrong died.

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