View Profile Ericho

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I guess I wasn't playing that close attention. Philipino? That sounded like Mexican. Well, I don't want to be a racist. Superheroes are all the rage nowadays. The animation was pretty good.

This is your first submission. I admit it's one of your weaker ones. We all have to start somewhere. I still listen to radio. Well, I think most of us do.

Initially, I was confused as to how an intro could have such a high rating. I was instead very pleasantly surprised to see how awesome this was. You guys really did manage to squeeze all the characters here. It's nothing but gorgeous scene after gorgeous scene. Hard to say much else. I can't pick a favorite part!

Well, the Pokémon parts probably had the best animation. It might be because there's so many of them. Dang, "Super Smash Bros." has promoted such great artwork. This had little Spanish. Actually, it had little language at all. Whatever, it's amazing.

I believe this was your first submission. You do a great job with those eyes. It's what makes me recognize your work the most. Still, this wasn't much at all. The one joke isn't that funny. I'm at least kind of familiar with "Final Fantasy".

I know little about mimics. I can assume what they do regarding their name. The picture's too small. Well, that does fit how short it is. Your X-Men stuff's a lot better.

I felt this was much better. It's mostly because it's longer. I knew eventually he'd said, "I'm a cop you idiot!". I knew he'd eventually swear too. I do kind of wish the people were angrier. It was kind of bland.

It makes me realize how recent caller ID was. Well, I don't know if most phones have it. They probably do. There needed to be more movement. It was basically just the same images.

I guess it's a funny image, but it's really nothing but a gif. Why submit that? I'm glad you acknowledge that it's crappy. That crocodile's leg looks like a tie. You really don't have to worry about animals eating you. Except crocodiles.

They really will eat you. Well, Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray so this doesn't have much relevance anymore. You might be able to enjoy how bad it is. It looks like Steve's missing his arm. No wait, I think it's just behind his back.

I'm sorry to have put this from a 3.00 to a 2.04. Well, maybe not. There was only one other vote. I was way too bored by this. It was just this poorly drawn squirrel being flung into the air. I guess the music wasn't bad.

This cartoon was. The animation was quite shoddy. It just had so little going for it. This is the only movie you ever made. I can see why.

I didn't think this was that good. It's nice to animate pranks. I remember when these were all the rage. It's a shame we have caller ID. I wonder if Penn and Teller would ever talk about this? I don't see how prank calls would be worse than prostitution.

The animation looks dated. It was too short. It didn't really go anywhere. Well, it was nothing offensive or anything. I wanted it to be offensive!

Wow, that was crazy. It seems weird he'd kill everyone for being annoying. Well, if someone said, "You can't do that" over and over, I'd get annoyed too. His face looked like it had a bat on it! This did have great action.

It's just a weird setup. You'd think people would just run away from him. Well, it's more entertaining this way. The angle at the beginning seems weird. It's like a fish eye lens.

I admit it's not that great to hear Clocks rap. The computer voices don't really work. Of course, it's meant to be something goofy. I haven't heard from the clocks in awhile. The animation was pretty good. I like this more than your clay films.

I can love clocks. You're not really anti-Clock. It's still a clock. The colors were pretty good. It's unique at least.

I thought this was the best so far! The best parts are probably the goofy voices. I just really liked the goofy violence too. It was still probably too short. Yeah, don't play ball in the house. I had no idea what would happen next.

Again, the small image works. I liked how there were more characters. Your bloodiest yet. It's fine for a really quick laugh. You're still better with other things.

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