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A pity Thanksgiving is mostly forgotten. It was hard to keep up with this cartoon. Everything was so fast paced! I appreciate that though. I thought they were saying, "Poke". I guess I'm that big of a Pokémon fan.

The animation was so nice and goofy. It does capture the spirit of Halloween. I don't quite think it deserves this high a rating. Well, it's still great.

So glad to be reviewing this on Halloween. Dang, that was a long time ago for me. Well, for most of us. It seems like now we have much less to celebrate. I do enjoy the simple title. Animation still hasn't gotten better.

I just trick or treated with my parents. I really did have few friends. At least you had some. I don't even remember getting full size candy bars. It was too long ago.

I can understand why people hated this. I think the story itself wasn't that bad. It's at least creative. The problem was how it was addressed. I didn't like how it was filmed. I guess after awhile I didn't notice it.

The music was at least fine. Happy Halloween! I want to wish that to everyone. Claymation is rare here. Knox is long gone.

BlackAnimation responds:

Im sorry that it was filmed this way . This was film at my school. I can’t go back since I join college. I promise not to make stuff like this in the future. But thank you for your opinion. I liked it and agree . Happy Halloween to you

Well, it was better than the previous submission, but not by close. I've never heard this song before. It doesn't sound that good. Well, it's at least passable. I like the singing voice. The visuals are okay.

Wow, you really did use those lines a lot. You know what I mean, right? Don't worry, I know you're not suicidal. Right? You're of course better at games.

Uh, what? Shouldn't there have been subtitles? Or at least a caption screen? I don't really know what that's called. I guess the music's nice. His hat was a hot dog.

I guess the artwork's good. It's still really bad. I like the lines. You used that style a lot. It's too dull.

I don't like loops. Well, unless it's a song. It's just a car driving over and over. I guess the artwork's good. It's just nothing noteworthy. You were quite prolific at this time.

A lot of early people were. It's not enough for a full submission. I wish it was more creative. Your games are better. It's always nice to experiment, though.

I admit that I shouldn't be liking this so much. It's mostly because I love this song. I always love being introduced to new songs. I just wish the whole song was used! This is a great animation style. It's quaint, but also fancy.

I'm getting used to seeing that dog faced guy. I guess I should call him Weisi. The drawings are very funny. It's great for a silly cartoon. Again, love the song.

Oh, graf stands for "graffiti". I was confused. This was in fact nicely animated. I like how honest you are. I thought he would spray "Weisi". What does Jaws have to do with anything?

Well, you do make killer shark games. Those are awesome! I liked the lack of color. It was still too short to really like. Experiments can be fun.

Nice to see you back! It's great to see this gorgeous animation. It's always hard keeping up with the story. I was afraid there'd be no animals in this. It does have an interesting plot. These are really creative ideas.

Give this its section here! It's infinitely more well known than 90% of the stuff we have already. The voices are as great as ever. You always create good atmosphere. Never made a bad episode.

Wow, 4.16! Is this an animutation? It isn't really a song or anything. Is it meant to be a sequel tv show? Well, a sequel of any kind? I admit this is a very funny image.

It does mix together very well. That theme is always nice. I like seeing Kramer. It does need to have more going on. It's wacky enough.

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