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Yeah, I didn't care much for this. DrunkMagiKoopa's other cartoons are much better. He's not a good artist. The title might bet he funniest part. I still liked that superimposed picture of Mario from "The Super Mario Bros. Super Show!". This might have been the first time I heard of Professor E. Gad.

I thought he was a good guy? Well, these cartoons don't make sense anyways. I'm getting used to Bowser appearing. He gets involved with a lot of sexual stuff. It's too long too.

Oh, so this is the lowest rated Madness Day 2018 entry now. I admit it wasn't too bad. The setup was kind of funny. Yeah, it really was too short. It was certainly unpredictable. It was just okay for me.

You should have made it end. Loops are rarely good. They only really work for songs. I'm still not justifying the stuff I've done. Needed more action too.

By "to be concluded" you mean there was another one before? It's hard to keep track of all these flashes. You earn your Daily Feature for Madness Day 2018. It's great to know people still celebrate it. I admit this could have used more action. I was especially impressed by the decaying creature designs.

The animation looked so slick. For something so simple, it really does stand out. This series can always encourage creativity. Nice number of reviews already too. Also congrats on being the most viewed and the thumbnail!

Jsoull responds:

Thanks my dude!

I loved this slick animation! A pity this was never aired on TV. Or was it? I just love how fast paced it is. I do wish it was longer. Still, that works out fine for a commercial.

I should have already seen this. I'm starting to recognize RicePirate's voice more. Well, I don't go on the forums anymore. It's probably changed too much. While it lacked color, it was still colorful in a sense.

Oh, I think I understand it now. This is a score based on this new scoring system. Well, it deserves it! Again, the idea of a zombie being so smart that he uses grenades is awesome. Not as good as "Madness Combat" though. I can see why this has so many views.

I've forgotten how big this series was. It deserves to be iconic. We get nice CGI here. It's weird how that still hasn't taken over this website. It's taken over theatrically released films.

This was made in 2002?! I can't believe it! It looks more like 2012! I'm so impressed at how this animation has held up. It's great to see a zombie that can drive. We need smarter ones nowadays.

We even get some pretty good dialogue with the other characters. This has a 4.68 and I've never reviewed it?! This website really has changed. I just love how formal it can be. The music's great too.

For a first submission, that wasn't too bad. I admit I'm confused as to how he was on drugs. It didn't seem that bad. I'm glad to understand this voting system now. Anyway, this pig was orange. He was probably always on drugs.

I thought this was good for a first submission. You have come a long way. So have most animators here. I wasn't expecting Mario in this. Well, he's in everything.

How is the rating only 3.46? I can't believe it! I thought this was hilarious! The best parts are the voices. I didn't get that joke at the end. I wish you had Mr. Whiskers eat him.

I loved seeing this animation style. Maybe the credits were too long. It was still great to look at. I'm glad this was at least on the front page. It was funny.

funymony responds:

The dog says "I like to eat my poop" in Spanish. <:

I'll find a better way to display the credits. Thank you! :D

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