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Congrats on the highest ranked Clock Day submission for Clock Day 2014! It makes me sad that you guys have declined. At least you're not the Lock Legion. I loved that Robin Williams bit at the end. I still miss him. Don't remind me of his tragic demise.

He was in fact an anime fan. Tricky should have his own collection! If nothing else, he should be on KnowYourMeme. I like that music at the end. Wait, that's the actual music.

Okay, that was really weird. It was just two locks talking. I mean, it seemed very intelligent. It just wasn't much to watch. I wanted action. The best part is probably the Locks that appear when they talk.

It's quite dignified. CommunistLock is really cool. Happy Lock Day! Oh, 2014. I thought this was Lock Day 2013 for some reason. It was still not terrible.

Hmm, personally didn't care much for this. I mean, it was just a simple cartoon and then commentary. The bloopers were okay, too. I never really cared for this series. It just didn't have much identity. It's at least somewhat passable.

The premise was too simple. Well, the jokes weren't funny either. Still, it was pretty popular here. I wonder how the teeth move. Oh, it's just supposed to be funny.

MACception responds:

I feel like the premise had some promise and I definitely fell short of it.

Wow, that was quite dumb. I was wondering what the title meant. You were referring to the Hills from "King Of The Hill". Maybe there should be a KOTH section. It's quite popular. Happy Pico Day 2014!

May Pico live on forever! Well, this website's declined now. At least people haven't quite forgotten it. I just though KOTH was okay. You have room for improvement.

HarrisonWyrick responds:

dude this video is way old man.

Hmm, this wasn't even really a cartoon. It was just a gif that was walking around. I can't understand why the score is so high. Congratulations anyway on having the highest ranked submission for Clock Day 2013! This fanfic was too disgusting. Well, at least you don't show it.

I know there's a Rule 34 website for fanart. I wonder if there's one that chronicles Rule 34 fanfics? Well, that's more lemon. I think it qualifies. Wow, this goes beyond even what the words say.

Aw, now this should have its own section here! It's a great brand new series! I especially love how so many of us can relate to it. Well, I never had something like this happen to me, thank God. I don't think I ever even had a personal trainer. Why does he even go to Therapy Dog?

He doesn't know what he's thinking! Well, it is pretty funny. My favorite part might have been when he made that awful BMI joke. We all know how awful it is. The voice stands out well too.

I love these cartoons because everyone can relate to them. I sadly...you know I'm just not going to talk about this. Anyway, I remember going to the doctor too. I'll never forget when he touched...shouldn't talk about this either. Dang, this is one sexual cartoon. I still enjoyed it.

I assume this stuff is true. You do seem to have had a worse childhood than me. That makes me feel better! I felt the running time was good too. I don't like to say that the length was good, if you catch my drift.

I forgot if any of these were featured on the front page. I mean, I don't remember. Too bad, as some of these were at least good. This wasn't one of them. I actually do like this song. At least it isn't too graphic.

It says that this cartoon was deleted. Was that the cartoon or the creator? They both seem to be still here. Happy Lock Day 2013! Yeah, ten years is a long time.

HeadlessNecro responds:

This cartoon? no it was never deleted neither was this account... kinda surprised because I think some works using copyrighted music have been but I don't know it that is automatic

Anyways this was a last minute addition like 5 years ago because Wine(Caption Thunder Dick we called him) wanted me to make one

Well, that was short. I admit it wasn't good. You are still a very talented artist. You're one of my favorite locks. I do like the animation. It seems like this would have worked better as just a preloader.

It's not good as a full cartoon. It's still done in high spirits. You guys really did have a lot going for you. I still probably prefer the Clock Crew. Well, not by much.

AubergineLock responds:

Hey, don't pretend you're not turned on by a cheeky Lock Legion striptease. We all have our vices.

Did this even count as a cartoon? It was done with puppets as you yourself claim. Whatever, it's still an awesome submission. I know how insane the Metoo hashtag has gotten. I remember someone saying that TV was dying. It's mostly because the stars are all rapists!

The voice was so funny. You know how to create atmosphere. I admit this was too short, but still great. We do want everything here. By everyone too.

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