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I loved this! I'm starting to wish that you would come back. TTTTTTEH or DrunkMagiKoopa or whatever you call yourself, you are talented. I love seeing all those sprites. There were a lot of Disney ones. I was thinking it would be the rap at the end.

I appreciate how sharp it looks. Yeah, your drawings could be better. You still capture the spirit well. There's such a wide variety of characters here. I always like that.

This was pretty enjoyable. I know there were more episodes. I wish they were submitted here. Well, I guess we can't have everything after all. The animation is so good. It's goofy, but fairly realistic.

This should be a featured series here. I mean, we have so many other ones. The best part is the end. These designs are just so funny. They'd be even worse now with Trump.

Yep, I knew I'd give this a perfect score. You simply can't lose with a cartoon this good. I guess everyone got what they deserved in the end. This was so faithful to the cartoon. It was even better than the "Steamed Hams" collab. Zeurel, you are one of my favorite cartoonists!

I'm not familiar with most of these guys. I always love to meet new people! The Dover Boys are of course a classic cartoon. How can all three of them marry one woman? What kind of place is called PU? It must smell bad.

It's great to look at your first ever submission. You're quite prolific. I admit this wasn't great. I don't understand the bits with the cereal. It's still kind of funny. I felt there weren't enough jokes for this running time.

The animation is pretty good. I thought the grandma joke was the best. The designs are pretty unique. Your other cartoons are better. It's still a good start.

That was just mediocre. I mean, it was just some black and white images. You (I mean Ben) needed to have color. There was at least a lot going on. Ben was so prolific. The music was really good here too.

It might have been too short. It seems more like part of a demo reel. Those are usually nice. The title sounds like vomit. That has a lot of euphenisms.

Dang, you seemed to have had a crappy childhood. And I thought my depression was bad! Well, nothing like this ever happened to me. It is weird to go in someone else's car. You must have been poor. Well, there was another cartoon where you talked about that.

I did like the happy ending. Well, maybe a bittersweet ending. You're still better off. I used to have a car where you automatically rolled up the window. Glad we got rid of it.

That was actually quite nice. I admit that I don't remember the original one. Ben was so prolific. The animation seemed quite nice. It was good to see something so serious. I guess they were supposed to be fighting in the Vietnam War.

I'm just getting an "Apocalypse Now" feel to it. That had a huge director's cut too. It's pretty fun. As always RIP Ben. You were so talented.

Dang, this was awesome! It's why you got somewhat well known here! Anyway, I couldn't find any information on the first one. As for the second, it's mostly undetermined. Even Snopes has little info to verify it. It seems to be true.

"The Wizard Of Oz" is definitely fake. I heard about this before, and it is definitely a bird stretching its wings. I can see the stretching of the wings. The "Poltergiest" is true. However, two of those deaths weren't sudden at all.

I didn't care for this. It was just a bunch of images put forward. Nothing interesting at all. I'm glad most people can recognize Muhammad Atta. Your other submissions were better. Well, the "Urban Legends" ones were great.

It's too boring. I do love the Three Stooges. This wasn't a good tribute to them. Well, whatever it was intended to be. It was too bland.

Killing someone who's only a month old? How despicable! I did love the car death. It was so unexpected. Honestly, this wasn't terrible at all. It's just that your Madness stuff is so much better.

I still see the early kills you have. Dang, it's an infinite loop! You should know better! I certainly don't. The sounds were pretty good, but it could have used music.

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