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What a great music video! As it had the most views and featured Ashi, I thought it would be porn. I've been on the Internet too long. I still enjoyed this a lot. I wish you had shown more of Ashi. Well, the result is still the same.

The music is so beautiful. Everything about this is gorgeous. You've made a great tribute to a great show. I'm glad we finally got the conclusion we wanted. I'm not familiar with you.

I was very impressed by this as always. Wait, why is this allowed to still be here? "Numa Numa Dance" was removed because Tom wanted to get rid of live-action stuff. At least some of it's still here. I would have liked to see Johnson. He'd be pretty poor CGI.

That would have made it more appealing. I like the quarter to replay it. It makes it feel like an arcade game. The best joke was probably the first one. You know, about Count Vile not actually being that little boy.

I admit that was pretty funny for a short cartoon. Hasn't this been done before? Wasn't there a "Going Down To Newgrounds" thing that was like this? Well, a cartoon version at least. The ending is quite satisfying. Aww, you were so short for Pico Day!

I'm glad you submitted it. I thought that was a pile of crap at first. It was just dirt. Well, we did get pee later. The premise is nice.

I admit that was rather funny. I thought they were speaking Spanish at first. Well, in Spanish subtitles at least. Or rather, Spanish thought balloons. Whatever, it looks nice. We need more CSI parodies.

It's like the most popular normal show ever made. I knew a baker's dozen was thirteen. That number really does have a lot of meanings. Has the series ended? I can't find new Weebl and Bob anywhere.

The animation was great, but why was it so short? That's what a lot of these Pico flashes run into. There just isn't much going on. It's still fine for a quick laugh. I can appreciate the humor. Happy Pico Day 2007!

Yeah, this was the biggest Pico Day ever. The most recent one was nothing but a whimper. He didn't seem to be fighting himself. It was still pretty good. I liked all the sounds.

The animation was amazing! I admit I wanted to see some action. Well, I guess I technically did see some. Just uh, not the kind I was expecting. It's funny because I was actually myself just...shutting up now. Never heard of that Abraham Lincoln song.

I do wish it was longer. It still got its joke across wonderfully. I loved that flashback. It was great to see stock footage from the actual games. I guess it does work as an epilogue.

That was mostly cheesy. I did enjoy seeing that "Wicker Man" scene. Dang, that movie was still so stupid. FatBadger did both the best and worst bits. I wish the website was still like this. As I'm writing this review, I realize how few Pico flashes there are.

This place has declined so much. You, FatBadger, were a big part too. At least it was easy to understand everything. The music was at least good. Happy Pico Day when this was still something.

Why the heck isn't the score higher? I admit that it's probably too short. It's not the greatest Pico cartoon. It still has nice animation. The music is very fitting too. My favorite bit is probably how Pico is drawn.

He's always pretty awesome. From the title, I thought this would be a game. You know, the "flash" title. Hey, maybe it would make a good game. Samurai are quite cool.

I was annoyed at how he didn't answer a question. I'm so glad Eric pointed it out at the very end! That made it so much better. Was the letter really written like that? Was it an actual written letter? Everyone uses e-mail nowadays.

Then again, it was 2007. I don't know what this has to do with humane sounds. A pity this is definitely over. Um, may I ask a question? Will the series ever be back?

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