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Dude, that was amazing! I'm so glad we've had such a wonderful submission. I really am sad that this website has been losing views. This will probably be the most viewed cartoon we have! The animation was completely flawless. I thought this was a game at first.

Hmmm, maybe that would have been even better? The music was great too. Aww, I'm disappointed the credits were so long. I wanted more action! This is of course still wonderful. Anything featured on the front page like this must be great.

At first, I thought this was using audio from Terrance and Phillip. It was actually from an episode of "Family Guy". Oh no, now I feel bad. The "South Park" creators hate that show. Well, I didn't like this. I liked the color.

I didn't really notice they were all black and white. I've never heard of Roflmasta. BBQbeefburgerman looks delicious. Well, not the googly eyes. It's too short as always.

This was easily the best Toof episode yet! I think it's mostly because of the action. I don't know how teeth can move like that. Well, they can at least talk. I'm getting to know the characters more. Then again, I don't even remember their names.

The bleeps were weird. Those aren't the regular sounding bleeps. I just noticed "Toof" spelled backwards is "Foot". I tend to notice things like that. Well, I admit the animation isn't that great.

MACception responds:

Yeah, I remember making this one and hoping people didn't come to expect as much "action" as was in this one... No way I could have kept that level of effort up on a weekly basis.

I really don't get the ending. Well, the image at the end. This was actually very nicely animated. I'm glad you depicted this realistically. Well, I'd think a plantation owner would want more slaves. Then again, he would want to be the father.

I was confused as how only TheStarSyndicate was credited. It really was just one author! I'm glad I didn't have to watch a bunch of movies. This vaguely reminds me of JeremyLokken. That's a cute baby.

It was a rather dumb short cartoon, but it wasn't that bad. It just became what it wanted to be. A dumb short cartoon. I doubt it was intended to be that epic. I'm impressed by how popular this series became. Well, there were tons of imitators.

Why is it "an bbq"? Bbq doesn't start with a vowel. I guess the artwork is good. Did you do the audio yourself? It sounds like it came from a movie or something.

Are you dyslexic? It said "Ned" at the end. This was just okay. It's mostly a single joke. I guess he wouldn't order a cheeseburger. That would be cannibalism!

The voice was pretty funny. That plate does look pretty bad. I've been to so many ethnic restaurants. It's hard to tell what it is in black and white. This was just okay.

That was hilarious! I take it Ingus is the main character here. He looks like Dick Cheney! I'm glad he's not in power anymore. Well, Mike Pence isn't much better. I was expecting Barney to be killed at the end.

Well, it's something different at least. I have never heard of the Ghost Writer. I've heard the term before. I thought I knew a lot about TV. This was still really good.

This was pretty good. This does seem like what teeth would talk about. I can't criticize you for not having much action. That's what teeth do! Well, they are body parts. Maybe you could show them with food.

I like that "Mission Impossible" music. Damn, are those movies popular. IMHO, this series was perfectly serviceable. The title's kind of cute. The animation could be better.

MACception responds:

Much appreciated, sir :) I definitely wasn't shooting for Pixar-level visuals... I consider myself a pretty shitty artist, actually... I just kind of went with some basic stuff to write scripts to. If you got anything from that, I'm glad :)

I admit that I'm kinda getting tired of these cartoons. It's just the characters talking about bodily fluids. It's kind of gross. You need more depth in your stuff. I guess the animation is alright. It's just not memorable.

The voice isn't bad. It just needs to be unique. Well, the whole thing needs to be unique. Well, you've made some great stuff. It's impressive that it's all by yourself.

I loved this if only because it's centered around one problem. It does specifically address many of the tropes in video games. I don't know what one this is called, though. I liked Lin-Ku's attitude. I knew he would do that with the Toads. Well, whatever they're called here.

It was kind of short, but still very nice. Those guys at the beginning looked like Shyguys crossed with giant bees. That might have been the intention. The animation was cheesy, but good. A lot of cartoons are like that.

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