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I felt the animation was better. It was mostly with the locations. Yikes, you won a lot of awards with this! I'm surprised I don't remember this better. I loved the Hulk shorts joke. I am pretty annoyed by Jew jokes.

Loved the intro. I've never heard of Baja Fresh before. It's always funny to make fun of sitcom tropes. I also loved the commercial bits with the different styles. There's just so many jokes here and they work so well.

It's rare we see live-action stuff. A little variety can be good. I liked how it was shown on a TV. It's too bad the DVD has been discontinued. I never see DVDs for Internet stuff. They must be rare.

You guys look like you're having fun. I can always appreciate that. The puppet's pretty cool. You guys have funny voices. Well, you need them for cartoons!

I admit to being disappointed it didn't show more of the game. The first review showed a lot more. Well, it was mostly drawn but you get the idea. Guido is still pretty entertaining. I wasn't expecting to learn about his family tree. I guess this should have focused more on the game.

The length of this was pretty good. Guido has as much clothing as Simon does! What a hypocrite! I mostly like game reviews. This was just a little lacking.

Oh, Tox is toxicbomb. I saw the Christmas tree in the thumbnail. I thought it was claymen standing on top of each other. I felt this was a little too long. It didn't seem to have enough jokes for its running time. I wish it wasn't so small.

The green background was annoying. Well, it does make it seem festive. That pizza looks like it has no cheese. Was not expecting Tom Fulp! It was once again weird to see you do normal people designs.

It's weird because this hasn't aged well. Bill Cosby already had 11 charges against him before it was mainstream. You think it was bad when Michael Jackson had only a second? I also heard this accuser had a history of fraud. Still, you can compare this to other people featured. They didn't have any accusations.

I'm aware of the other weird stuff he did. I guess he can still be mocked for that. He's still a moron. It makes sense these people would defend him. I doubt he deliberately made himself white.

Why isn't this score higher? It's like my favorite in the series! Sure, it was short, but it was awesome. It helps that I love "Star Wars" so much. I loved the Death Star in the background. There was just so much going on.

How can you go wrong with lightsabers? The music was awesome too. Thanks for telling us where it came from. Well, everyone does that. This was a very fun cartoon.

This episode was slightly better. Hey, it has a background! Well, it's just one line, but it's something. I assumed the boss would be bigger. The way he dodged the bullets was probably the best part. I like how they turn red before disappearing.

It's a nice effect. I liked the fast paced action. It still came off as too short. Madness stuff is usually longer. Okay, I shouldn't compare the two that much.

For some reason, I thought this came before Madness Combat. There are plenty of imitations. This probably doesn't count as a direct one. I like how you had your own FAQ. Why did you mention there were 8 deaths? That was already in the cartoon itself.

I like how fast this moved. It was maybe a little too short. Later episodes get this better. The score is now 4.01. I didn't find it great, but it was good.

I've run into problems like this too. I especially know of stupid lawsuits. I had a fender bender with this one car and the driver sued me. She claimed she had sex three times a day before that accident. I stopped her from doing that. I think she's lying.

I don't have a cell phone. Yes, people should speak English. Well, they seem to get jobs anyway. I live in Florida. There's a fair number of Spanish speakers there.

I admit that I don't like your animation style. It just comes off as too sloppy. There needs to be more movement. I guess the coloring isn't bad. It just doesn't amount to much. I felt this could have been funnier.

Still, this is a long running series and it's nice to see where it started. The best joke was the laugh track one. So, this did have some laughs in it. How ironic. It just wasn't enough for me to like.

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