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I remember when we thought The Backstreet Boys were the most annoying singers. Boy, were we wrong! I wish you'd make more of these now to show Justin Bieber getting killed. I guess it would be a bit too obvious. I thought this was too short. I do hate the Spice Girls, though.

The music was nice. It's weird how this was pro Pokémon. This was in a time when everyone seemed to hate it. You were really ahead of your time! You made these cartoons in such a short time.

Yes, this is the best entry in the entire series! It's so just wonderful how the jokes just keep coming and coming. I feel pretty bad for Kate. I just love how cute these characters look in these costumes. I feel the same way going to cons. Well, I never cosplay.

It's just too expensive. I really love how that woman died horribly. She deserved it with how sadistic she was! Yes, I play crazy stuff at those cons as well. I'm just now looking at the Master Ball I got last con. The voices were wonderful too.

It's been too long since I've heard that music. This really was very funny. At first, I was afraid that this was just going to be one joke. Well, it kind of was. It just did it with different animals! It's great to see a really old Daily Feature.

I just loved the cheesy effects. The best part was probably the end. You did do variants with the explosions. Well, more like mutilations. It's still creative.

At least it wasn't literally crappy like that plumbing cartoon with Mario. I actually enjoyed this. I admit it's still too short, but is still fairly fun. I really like how he used the Game Boy Color background. At first, I was confused because there didn't seem to be a reason. It all made sense later.

This was certainly unpredictable. The payoff is pretty good. I like seeing that sprite head at the end. Yeah, it's not much, but it's noticeable. I appreciate all the nice little details.

This was Randy's best cartoon yet! I especially love how it's the funniest joke he's done so far. True, it was really short, but worth it. It's a pretty obvious joke, but I think this may have been the first time it was ever used! It's make perfect sense. It's pretty memorable.

Well, as memorable as poop jokes go. Mario would know how to deal with that. I don't think it would be called bad plumbing. Whatever, it's funny. I look forward to longer stuff later.

I was wondering why this had a good rating. I mean, I don't think any of these vids really hold up. I now realize that this is an anti-Wazzup flash. How awesome! I was never a fan of this. I am so glad it's forgotten nowadays.

I thought the animation wasn't bad. It does seem stilted. I love the idea of Goku killing people. He killed them all the time in "Dragonball", but not "Dragonball Z". It's stupid because it was shown he was pure of heart before.

I did not care for this that much. I do feel like these cartoons are having more plot. Shouldn't this also be in the "Star Wars" section? I guess that would spoil it. Oh no, I spoiled it here! Anyway, this was a slight improvement.

It's weird, knowing all his later stuff is much better. Lightsabers make everything cool. I still don't like the small image. It's interesting for what it is. I am kind of annoyed by that old man.

I admit that I was pretty confused by this at first. I know realize Toad is the father. Wait, it said it would reveal Toad's father. It can't be Mario? I can tell this was made with just screenshots. The sprite work gets much better later.

It needs to be a lot bigger. It's still great to see Randy's early work. You will forever RIP, dude. It's great to see him improve. The writing could be better too.

Here it is, everybody! Randy Solem's first submission to Newgrounds! It's pretty obvious that this can be regarded as an old shame. I feel bad for never playing "Super Mario Bros. 2". It certainly looks confusing. This joke doesn't make much sense with Mario.

Don't worry, his stuff gets way better as it goes on. For awhile, I thought this was the first flash submission on the entire website. I just couldn't find anything earlier. It's too small as well. I still love this guy!

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