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I felt this was one of the better episodes. I'm still not a fan of this series. I find a lot of it kind of dumb. This actually did have something unique. I liked the two girls fighting. No, it's not because I thought it was hot.

I just thought it was something really unique. The conversations were pretty good. You can understand the ongoing story more. The animation and voices aren't bad. This just isn't my thing.

I really enjoyed this. It's truly amazing how good the animation is. Everything transitions so perfectly. I really do feel for this poor kid. I thought it would be like your earlier stuff at first. It was like a silent film with no dialogue.

I am glad it didn't stay that way. I prefer the audio. It shows the extra effort. You know how to put emphasis on the voices. A bit long, but it gets its message across well.

I liked it, but I guess not quite as much as most people. I think the animation is pretty good. It's weird how this had nothing to do with getting a job. I love how casual the guy is at the end. He just wants to take the advice like anything else. It's pretty basic.

It works well with its simplicity. I think it may have been a bit too short. It seems like you could have done more with this. It's still quite watchable. I recommend it.

I am so glad to see you make something again! I just love to see this character again. Granted, you haven't done nothing in years. You are pretty consistent here. I can't really give a teaser the full score. This will certainly be good.

I just love seeing this animation. Everything is just so nicely paced here. I felt that it was a good running time. It really didn't tell do much or do little. You express yourself well. You are just that good.

chluaid responds:

Thank you :)

Did this poor guy die in real life? While it was too short, I still liked it. The animation was quite good. I should have seen how long it would be. I appreciate how sincere it is. It gets its message well.

This was an episode of something? I'm sorry that I don't follow you that well. I don't even know what "viridarium" means. I guess yikkles are something you made up. I liked most of this.

For the most part, I enjoyed this. I really can appreciate how the jokes were creative. You really had some colorful characters in this! It did, however, lose points with the animation. It really wasn't that good. I agree the lipsync could be better.

It's still pretty good. I like how these characters are just random things. It kind of reminds me of "The Amazing World Of Gumball". The colors were pretty good. It's just fine for what it is.

I admit that this is better than the "Xin Session" series. I still think it came off as a bit too cruel. It still doesn't really make sense within the world it's in. The animation is still fairly nice. At least this one involved actual killing. It seemed more realistic, I suppose.

I think this was pretty unpredictable. There's some pretty nice variety. I did find myself rooting for this guy. This may have incestuous tones. Well, he's just a pervert.

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