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It was great how you put all these references in. I think the animation has gotten better. It's really great to see the alien too. It looked kind of pointless at first. It ended up explaining a major plot point. I really like them discussing why the klay men dying were bad.

It does make sense. It's nice to have these parts be fairly long. It makes sense to put it into different parts. It must be nice getting two awards on the same day! It's quite nicely done.

This certainly deserved its Daily Feature! I was just so impressed at seeing all these guys together. You really haven't done anything like this any other time. Even the longer episodes don't have the same characters in them. It's just great to see everyone together. I was especially surprised by the realistic guys there.

I love the line about why the others were blue. As I've been obviously reviewing these lately, it makes more sense to me. You could have zoomed out. You weren't kidding when you said the last one was be the last poorly animated one. They really look better now!

I found this to be the best in the series! I certainly think it earned its Daily Feature. It seemed like this would be an appropriate end. Then you thrown in that unresolved stuff. Well, I guess you could compare it to TTA. Speaking of which, why haven't the TOME episodes been on this website?

The best part was probably how good the designs were. These are some really unique looking zombie. I was a bit grossed out by the naked female one. The voice acting's quite good. You do get a fairly good feel for these characters.

I admit that these need to be longer. It seems like you could just put them all in one cartoon. They're still very funny. I'm so glad that I can remember the character's names. Sonata is still my favorite. Harmony played a really active role too.

You even learn more about the team. I know what it's like to want rent. I just paid for my own yesterday. The colors are nice and bright. I like the idea of her having a crush on an opponent.

It's great that you're consistently making good stuff here! You are probably one of the most prolific people on the whole website. My favorite part was when he mentioned people not finding the donate button. This was lots of fun. I find myself more attached to these characters. I really like the joke about BF.

I remember when those videos showed up everywhere. People just really hated them after awhile. The animation is as nice as ever. That's a really sad turtle. The voices are distinct and match their personalities well.

I was so impressed by this! I just had no idea what would happen next. It's probably the longest death compilation I've ever seen. Trust me, I've seen some of those. It's just amazing how you all came together. It's sad that I don't know most of the people involved in this.

At least this won Daily 2nd Place. All I can do is just try to remember everything. It was great to see Larry again. You really should continue that series here! The one with the apple was brilliant too. It's just a relentless gorefest!

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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