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I admit that it was a bit hard to get some of these jokes. It's mostly because I'm American. I don't understand the "butt" one especially. I think In Your Endo was a joke already done on "Scrubs". Oh well. At least it wasn't as disgusting as most of your other things.

I thought the animation was just okay here. Nothing really stands out. I'm used to your songs more. That's kind of weird for me to say, seeing as how they're usually disgusting.

I feel kind of bad that I don't remember the last entry. I also don't read the comics. The funniest part was when Emma Frost kept punching her at the beginning. I kind of wish you'd give her more details because she's so hot! Oh well. I love how you make fun of Bad Futures.

The X-Men have too many of them to list. I am at least familiar with the characters and setting. The voices were fairly good. While I couldn't get some jokes, it was still quite enjoyable. I appreciate your cartoons.

I was very impressed by this! I think it is the best cartoon you've made in a long time! The animation may in fact be the best I've ever seen from you. I am so glad you have worked with Savlonic on this. You have done a wonderful job of collaboration. I knew this would work out perfectly.

I don't know why that monster is there. It's just an awesome thing to see! The voices are spectacular in this as well. You really get the sense of an ongoing story in this. I have heard the other songs a lot, so I understand it. I'm so glad you submitted this here!

I didn't know what to expect of this. It just seemed like a strange cartoon at first. It really did get better! The fight sequences were quite creative and well done. They didn't make much sense, but they didn't have to. I'm glad everything worked out for them in the end.

See? I'm sympathizing with these characters. Oh, I get it now, he was a giant worm, which chickens eat, right? It was a pretty triumphant style cartoon. I'm glad this was featured.

Butzbo responds:

I really appreciate getting all sorts of views on the outcome of these animations, always glad to read a "train of thought"-like commentary :).
Thanks for the review once again!

Well, I think that now this is my favorite entry. These really turned out to be a lot better than I thought. I tried to look up every one of these. I highly doubt the one from 3200 was somewhere online. I appreciate the different styles of animation. I couldn't find anything on the grandpa and the stripper.

You sure you didn't make that one up? My favorite was the last one. It's the oldest death I've seen so far. I doubt it was a UFO that accidentally dropped the cow on that one guy. I guess it's all anyone's guess.

Well, you guys have made the best entry in this series! It's right under another cartoon with the same guy! I guess he's just a classic unusual death. Again, you've done your research. I knew he'd give him the money at the end. He deserves it.

I loved the voices and animation in it. I just love how it keeps escalating itself. Thank God no one recorded the actual death on video. I'm glad to have saved this cartoon for last. It was the best!

Yep, I think I about this guy on other websites, too. It's great to know you've looked so hard for the information. That guy was indeed a lawyer. I guess it's not too soon to make fun of him. Well, he was right, the glass didn't break.

I guess you just don't think about other things. I liked how he died instantly at the end. Dang, this is morbid. It's easily the best entry in this series. It was twenty four stories in case anyone was wondering.

I thought the animation wasn't that good. It seemed like it was just one joke, which it was. I guess it was kind of unexpecting to see those guys. I'm thinking Steve Irwin should be here. His death was unusual. I guess animal attacks are just rare.

The animation really looks old. Even something for a jam should take longer to make. At least this has showed that you kids did your research. It's always interesting to learn trivia. You should have showed him getting killed.

NothingStudios responds:

with Steve Irwin I couldn't have made a furry joke..

Yeah, I looked this up too. I will admit I didn't think this was that good. It was just a flying lawnmower attacking this guy. There should have been more going on. Well, there was enough, it's just that it was too short. The guy actually died four days later.

Yeah, to get into that would be morbid, even for you. There could be some other people there. Well, I haven't done research as to how it really turned out. I guess it's hard to make something that long in this. It just could have been more enjoyable.

TerribleDesign responds:

So what you are saying is that I should program a loop that loops the animation/sound for four days. That can be arranged.
This is no where near as morbid as I get; I've been on the internet a long time. :)

Ah, I freaking love this! I have only seen or listened to one of those. I enjoyed seeing the ice cream bunny in this. Boy, was that awful. I still haven't synched one of these things up. I just loved the animation in this. It must be wonderful to work on this.

I hope they love it! The rest of us certainly did. It was great to see all these unique characters here. You should be featured in an episode yourself! Even if it's not an official one, it can be something else.

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