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This is a very funny cartoon. I'm glad to have this recommended by Weebl. The animation is really good. The best part was probably at the end when he was cut in half, or by three fourths, or whatever that was. You just thought he was going to get away with being so insensitive. He really got what he deserved.

It helps that it really is quite creative. I like the way the voices handle everything. This is a fairly creative story. I really didn't know where it was headed next. Well, I knew it wasn't going to end well for most of them.

All I can say is, Happy Pico Day! I am pretty surprised there haven't been more of them on the front page yet. I found this to be mediocre. I guess it deserves credit for being the first one I've seen this year. I hope the holiday isn't declining. I really do like that music.

At least you didn't have that audio with the nuts in this. It was pretty cool to see Pico spin around like that. I imagine that's what you'd feel under actual LSD. Everyone's talking about how great it is anyway. Don't worry, I don't get seizures.

Gibb50 responds:

Happy Pico day to you too :)
Thanks for your review.
I also hate the suck my nuts version too

I thought Chris Griffin was voiced by Seth Green? Anyway, this was a great cartoon. I don't know why Pico Day 2014 is referencing it, though. It's still a very nice cartoon. I knew there was going to be some comedy in it. I never bother looking at the tags anyway, not that it would have made any difference here.

I really liked the graphics in this. You rarely see CGI this good in a Newgrounds cartoon. I think it is a bit too short, though. It's nice to see some genuinely good action. Happy Pico Day, I guess. There shouldn't be a Tankmen Day.

I KNOW you have to be the same person as Appsro. I don't know why you changed your name. I really loved this and think it's one of your best flashes. I just think it's great satire. It seemed like you were trying to make a statement here. It's okay to be religious, but not to be racist? I don't know.

On top of that, the animation is just gorgeous. The voice acting is flawless too. You don't know what funny thing the tree's going to say next. I especially love that last joke, not that I'm racist or anything. I look forward to seeing more of your stuff. You are truly talented.

I couldn't help but wonder which bodily fluid you would make a cartoon about. I guess you just went to private parts instead. I think this was still pretty good. I like the length. It didn't seem too long or short here. It makes me wish I had foreskin.

Of course, it would probably be more of a burden here. I can easily recognize the animation. It is pretty funny to see that image. Having something so long to play with yourself would be fun. An actual long penis would be too thick.

Yeah, this was another really hilarious thing. I appreciate how good the animation and voices are. I really do say that too often. It's just that the episodes are so good, it's hard to not notice all these perks. The best joke was at the end. You really got a sense of jokes coming on fast.

I am getting quite used to these. I would like to see longer episodes. These could also work as a compilation. I love how much expression you put into the voices. Seeing as how you do everyone, you have to do that.

I was truly impressed by this! I was thinking about "Cosmos" when watching this. I should have known you would feature a clip from it! You did forget to credit it in the credits. Then again, you may have already said that in the cartoon. I really like learning this stuff.

I actually have gotten into black holes a bit. This seems to make sense from what I already know. I don't see how this was that spiritual. It is always interesting to learn about other universes. You do seem to really say that you don't know anything about this.

This is one of the best DailyToons you guys have ever made! While I am a standard reviewer, I still found this to be better than your other stuff. It was a lot better than the previous one I reviewed, because you were able to go back to the menu. The one with ThreeStar was the best. It's always nice to see some live-action stuff thrown in.

I know it's not encouraged, but it gave us "Numa Numa Dance"! I also liked Starberry's. I was disappointed I could not actually quick anything in it. I wonder if you guys will ever release a daily toon in mp4 format? I kind of doubt it.

TheStarSyndicate responds:


Well, what can I really say? I admit it was nice to get a valentine that literally had my name on it. It is quite impressive with how many views this has gotten (received?). The song was pretty good too. It does remind me of older times when I gave away valentines in school. I gave them to everyone I knew.

Most people did the same thing too. I do want more than just a single image. Of course, I also liked that Foamy thing about Hurricane Katrina. That was, of course, more intellectual. A pity I didn't review this when it first came out.

PhantomCat responds:

How do you get down off a dragon?

It's hard to go wrong with these cartoons. It's the kind of thing everyone could make. It helps that the animation is so simplistic. It's kind of like "South Park". Then again, even "South Park" is probably more detailed. The best part was the end.

It's weird, I imagine you'd have to do more work around Christmas time. I like your knowledge of Mount McKinley. You really know a lot about what's going on in your life. I'm glad I never worked there. I think it would be gauche to mention personal job occurences.

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