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At first, I thought this was a part in a series. At the end, I couldn't help but think it wasn't, as it seemed to be part of the joke. Turns out my first assumption was right. I was quite impressed at how unique this was. I thought it was going to end in a really dirty way, but it didn't! I guess I appreciate you being bold like that.

The other entries in the series do look a little more appealing. I liked how fast paced everything was. It was very funny to see these guys figure out how to have sex. Apparently, he did get it in the end. It's strange, but wonderfully done.

Wow, I just could not stop smiling at this. My favorite part was easily the first one, with how Garfield was dying of mercury poisioning. It's great to see such a stupid character humilitaed like this. I was amazed at the sheer number of styles used in this. Everything was just drawn so fantastically. It makes me realize how much I've outgrown that stupid comic.

Yeah, I don't associate with it at all anymore. On the Internet, who does? I love how the animation styles are so distinct. You have no idea what's going to happen next and it will be done in the most inane ways. I even loved the credits with all the drawings. The title is funny too!

I thought this was going to be a joke thing at first. I noticed that the main character seemed to be yelling at someone. I thought the joke was that he was yelling at whoever was playing the music. It actually turned out to be something far more sophisicated than that. In that sense, I still thought it was a bit too vague. Of course, it's nice to let the audience to decide for themselves what's going on.

Someone here must be British. What kind of holiday do you have where you go to work? I think the main character looked like a Sesame Street muppet. It's just the thing with the nose. While not that good in my opinion, this is still worth checking out.

I think the main reason this works is because it reveals he's a rapist at the end. I wouldn't be surprised if he was entirely innocent. What kind of person would be raped by a blind guy? I appreciate the animation as always. While it wasn't that well detailed, it's still great to see the movements. The voices are nice too.

I like these Lazy Writings more than Yotam and Fantastia because there is more variety. I just love most of your stuff, dude. I liked how the blind guy couldn't find his way around the courtroom. I have no clue how that would even work in real life, but it's funny. It's short, but nice.

Okay...I have no idea what's going on here. I was expecting something to be destroyed somewhere along the way. Dang, I'm morbid. I was pretty confused at how short it was. I still have to give you credit for having great animation. I just wished that it was used for something better.

You could have also put color on this. I know you're not known for flashes that make sense, but they need to be more elaborate. This seems more like something that would be part of a collab. I imagine I view most short submissions like that. It's easy to tell with the timer.

I'm surprised that this does not have a higher rating. I think its biggest strength is probably how strong the animation is. You really get the sense that you're off in this strange, scary world. I don't know if there was any deeper meaning, but it's a good submission all the same. My only complaint is that it should have been longer. It lived up to its name pretty well.

I especially think the way we tunnel through everything is cool. It gives you a good sense of being right up there in the action. It doesn't make sense, but none of your cartoons do. It's good to see you making more things. The music is of course fantastic.

Woah, this is one of the most awesomely animated things I've ever seen in my life! I knew it was going to send some message against the machines at the end. I had no idea it was going to be so sad. Apart from the main character dying, it looks like nearly everyone else in his apartment did. What's also effective is how you consistently keep the happy music. It's mostly up to your imagination to see how horrible it can be.

I have no clue how you animated this! I love how everything is wonderfully detailed and it contrasts well with the advertisement shown on TV. The music, as I previously mentioned, is also classic! I know I would never buy this many of those things. Heck, I probably wouldn't buy any. I didn't know the ropes would come to life.

I agree with most people that the ending was really good. Of course, this was a bit too short to like that much. Seeing as how these characters are so popular, you could probably put them in any scenario and people would like it. It works because the bark and bite joke told at the beginning was really bad. Why a poodle of all dogs? He totally deserved it.

It helps that the animation is as good as ever. I seem to be saying that a lot. It gets pretty annoying with that guy's voice. I'm not sure why, but I like the one nostril design. Most cartoon characters don't even have nostrils.

Well, looks like this might be the last thing Randy-Solem ever has under his profile. Let me say that it's been great knowing ya. I have most of the same pros and cons about this in regards to the other entries. My favorite part is when Mario fights all the purple cats. Yes, I don't know what the names of those things are. I've never played the second Mario game!

It's ironic how it's all a dream in the game when in this, it was King Wart who was real and the part with Bowser was a dream. They just don't make great sprite movies like this anymore. In case anyone's wondering, there's a deleted scene where the princess uses the 1up to revive Luigi. He said that he decided not to include it in the movie because it slowed down the action or something. May your legacy live on forever, man!

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