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I admit that I am not a big fan of "Doctor Who". However, due to the fact that the series is so freaking popular, I can't help but know about it. With that being said, I think this was a very funny parody. It mostly helps that the animation is as good as ever. I have no idea how you manage to draw attractive women with relatively few facial features. The voices were pretty spot-on.

The best part was probably when he kept changing into different doctors. You can tell a lot of detail was put into that. I really liked the sounds and how authentic they were to the show. I can't believe I haven't listed you as a favorite author of mine yet! At least I got a heads up.

Well, I was a tad disappointed by this. It still has all the great Madness stuff you are known for, but not really enough. I was afraid there wasn't going to be any actual action in this, and of course, I was wrong. It makes me realize how clowns are associated with birthday parties. This is, of course, a different kind of clown. The artwork was as great as ever.

It seems like this was the only flash for Madness Day 2012 from an author whom I have favorited. It's always nice to know we can come together like that. The sounds were very appropriate too. It's great to know that cheshyre has his own account now. He's made such awesome music he deserves the attention.

It's so good to see you continuing to make awesome flashes. This worked out so well because everything was just so awesome. If you're going to make something great, make it as insane as possible! I can understand why you have all these crazy things going on. I think my favorite part was the butt laser. I am becoming more familiar with these characters.

The animation and live-action effects are as fantastic as ever. I imagine if it was a tad longer, I would have liked it even more. It's so great to see someone so talented get publicity like this. There's just so many things going on. That voice is crazy.

teaandcheese responds:

Wow, thanks very much :D
Feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel (or keep an eye on newgrounds) for more soon!
Thanks again!

Woah, now I can't believe how this got Daily Feature on Madness Day! You had done so many things before, it seemed like it was only necessary for a flying pig to appear in this. This is one of the few times where I went onto a website that had this featured before going to this website. The funniest thing is probably the end. I sincerely thought it was going to create an infinite loop. I was a bit suspicious when I noticed the flower grew from the opposite end of the screen.

It's great to subvert stuff like that. The cartoon still has the feeling of a loop, especially when they went back to the restaurant. You are a cruel artist in this, my friend. Nothing like poop on pizza for everyone to get together. The animation was as good as ever.

It's great that I finally get to look at the first submission of Madness Day 2012. What's also cool is that this actually marks the fourth year anniversary of me signing up for this website! It was total coincidence that I first came here at that time. This was interesting, because it had a really unpredictable ending. You make a good point, bigger stuff tends to be bulkier. The sounds synched up well too.

It's a pity you weren't able to use the Madness Day 2012 logo. Tom Fulp showed me that on the forums. It's funny to see that one guy at the end with stars circling his head. Better for stars to circle your head than to have your head blown off. I love how quickly he responded.

GabrielBarsch responds:

btw...today marks the fifth year anniversary of me in this site, and actuallym the real first submition of madness day 2012 was madness revistered by erixs

I was inititally unimpressed by this, but was glad to see it does have real heart to it. I couldn't help but think of "Inception" with the notion of planting an idea. Gee, does it seem long ever since that movie came out. At least it's nice to see such great animation. This is certainly different than the games you work on. I guess if you're going to promote donations, do it for people who are helpful.

It seems like you don't see enough of Wikipedia. I don't know why a deer was chosen of all animals, but it's fairly cute. A lightbulb tree would be great for the environment. Forget that, it would be great for everyone. I loved the Tricky the Clown music at the end.

I thought this was a really weird cartoon, but still good. I was expecting more people to show up that were actually made of chess pieces. It still turned out to be surreal. I must not have been following closely, because there seemed to be a lot of inconsistencies, like how the main character as alone at first but then he had henchman. You really do have some morally ambiguous characters. It's great to see how far you have come.

If you get a bad grade on this, just show your teacher the score this movie got. Come on, they will have to think the way everyone else does. It's always great to have a lot of voice actors. I think the character designs were really neat, because they seemed to contrast so well. It's nice to see the same artist have such a variety of designs.

kmau responds:

More chess people will show up eventually but not all at once. I don't quite get what you mean with the henchmen. The three Madhats weren't associated with the protagonist if you thought that.
I already graduaded before uploading the movie to Newgrounds but don't worry, I received a good grade. :P

I found this to be really funny. It's always nice when there are a lot of submissions that are topical. It makes you appreciate the times we live in. The funniest thing here was probably the voice. It was great to hear how passionate this guy was. It also helps that everything he says is completely hilarious and I thought the previous cartoon was funny!

While there wasn't a lot of movements, the animation was pretty good. Come to think of it, you previously attacked John Kerry in the 2004 campagain. I'm not going to bash you for being a Republican. It's always nice to hear silly stuff from both sides of the arguments. Romney doesn't care about black people!

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