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Well, I think there may have been a mistake in this, because this appears to be a blank screen. It's too bad this got such a low rating on Clock Day. You could have at least made this Clock themed by putting some Clocks in it. I find it amazing that so many people managed to contribute to this. I didn't hear any voices or music, nor did I see anything at all. It seems a bit impossible for numerous people to work on a blank screen.

I suggest next time you try to submit something. I'm guessing it might have a loading error, but I think this is in fact what it's supposed to do, with just the blank screen. Hopefully, you guys can all work together to make something better next year. There are so many better things out there. I think this might even be my least favorite thing I ever reviewed.

ChandlerThompson responds:


That's my favorite color!

I thought this was a really cute cartoon because it taught a great lesson. It's all about allowing yourself to show who you really are. With this message, you can spread it to other people and have everyone show off their creativity. Orange also happens to be my favorite color. I just always thought that it was the most vibrant of colors and it seemed to stand out well. It makes you realize how big a role color plays in our lives.

While a bit too cutesy, it definitley works. The main character looks like a Muppet (I guess it's the nose). In fact, this whole thing looks like something that would be on an animated segment from "Sesame Street". Hopefully, we can take a message from this and learn to express ourselves. I'm so glad it worked out well for him.

And that's why I'm wearing a hat

As a frequent poster on the BBS, it is great when you reference it and show threads. I don't think I saw this one thread, but I can certainly believe it exists. People make crazy stuff all the time. I think this is probably the most detailed drawing of yourself that you have ever made. The other animation like with the disturbing naked Luis was great too. I hope you show up at the London meeting on August 6th as I know I won't.

It's also cool how you managed to get so many songs for a fairly short submission. I love how you seemed so deadpan in this as you are in most of your cartoons. From the title, I thought this was going to be a spam submission. Never judge a book by its cover, but you can do the same with posts like that. It could have been longer, but was zany enough to be awesome.

Pretty well done

I think this kind of went beyond being a "furry" movie. I didn't regard it as such, because the characters seemed to be more animal-like than furry, which worked for me. It was great how everything was presented in such a big screen. The main flaw is that it is rather short, and you don't get much of a sense of a story. Still, you did provide a nice description in the author comments. I would like to see this expanded on further, as the story could be expressed more.

The colors in this were really quite lush, particulary with how the colors looked so good. The lines could have maybe been done a bit better. The sound and music were also good, and they helped set a mood for the story. These creatures are just really well designed. Put in more of a story seen in the flash and it could be better.

That was weird

Hey, I just came back from the toilet too! Anyway, this was a really weird flash because I just had no idea what was going on. What does matter is that the animation for this is fantastic and it moves so fluidly. I never thought I would say this, but it seems like it's been awhile since I have heard Rina-chan's voice in a flash. She just seemed to be perfectly emoted in frustration at what was going on. Maybe my questions will be answered in the next installment.

Gee, you would think I would know all about Castle Crashers given how it startd on this website. I guess you have to really play the game yourself to fully understand it. I'm surprised the green knight survived being hit by the lasers. It does make me anticipate what will happen in the next entry. It's great how the body movements are so exagerrated, as usual.

It's been so long!

I think it's sad you seemed to have faded into obscuruity in recent times. This was great because of how amazingly adorable it was. You appear as this little angel telling exactly what is on your mind. Everyone can associate thinking with themselves, especially me. The animation is fantastic, and you just look so adorable. While I would probably rather see your cartoon self as hotter, you looked great in your cuteness.

Everything about this cartoon was just so real. It seems like you were speaking entirely from your heart, and in no way showed anything artificial. It's great that a cartoon from 2004 manages to get this high a rating in today's age. I will be thinking of you and how sincere you are in your creations. May you live a wonderful life.

He's one angry dog!

That AniBoom intro you have (and at the end as well) is simply fantastic. I am glad that you work for such a place, even if it isn't that well reverred. This was great fun to watch because everyone in it was just so crazy. I still think it's funny how a duck's quack is used over the swearing. Horseman reminds me of a character from "Ren And Stimpy". It's fun to see that angry dog move around by bouncing everywhere.

It really makes you think about all the work that goes into a catch phrase. It's usually done like a meme, which in the strictest sense, it probably is. The pictures on the credits were simply fantastic. Seriously, that stuff looks like it was painted on a canvas. It's also great how everyone is so deadpan in this nonsensical series.

It's different!

I thought it was really cool to reverse the situation. I guess most modern tellings don't have a sexual overtone to it, although I'm not sure if it was in the original version. It wasn't really so much a parody as it was a nice piece of art. I have no clue why anyone wouldn't want to make out with a hot girl like that. Hey, I'm so desperate for a girlfriend I'd turn into a wolf to get one! I knew that the color would show a twist in the classic story.

The wolf girl herself was really cool in this one. She didn't want to eat anyone's grandmother or anyone, just show off her hotness. The music played throughout the cartoon was also really cool. The only part I didn't like was when he struggled with the ropes. The animation just seemed off in that scene, but for the most part, it was fantastic.

gusana responds:

Thank you!

It's been awhile

Wow, I'm actually surprised anyone even remembered that "ChalkZone!" cartoon. It's probably the least popular Nicktoon they ever came out with. Anyway, this was great fun to watch because it really deconstructs the idea of childhood imagination. You lose most of your ambition as you get older. The animation was great in this, particularly with how the chalk world contrasted with Rudy's real world. I had no idea you could draw like that!

It was even a bit hard to recognize your art style. The voices were great and it seems like that's actually how the characters would sound in that scenario. It's funny because I am actually 22 myself. With all the crap that's been going on with me lately, I can totally associate myself with Rudy. It's a different and well done cartoon from you.

Great Destiny Man!

I was thinking this would be more humorous, but it really wasn't. It's interesting to see these characters get introduced and then killed so easily. Moral: Always be sure to get drunk or high or whatever on fruits to avoid slaughter by Great Desinty Man. Good thing spleens are one of the few organs we do not need. Wait, that doesn't matter as this guy is already dead. Anyway, the thing that really made it was the great animation as good as ever.

It seems like you really try to portray all the stock characters we think of in these situations and put them in play. It could have had some more fighting, but still fun to watch. I can see a real story appearing in these cartoons. While not one of your best, it's great to see you look into all different kinds of settings and locations to work yourself with. The rest of the series should be as popular.

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