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It never ends!

Well, I can safely say that this is in fact the best entry in the entire series. It is just fantastic to see so many great effects being used. It shouldn't be hard to understand that this was based on your actual computer. I think my favorite character would have to be the Firefox. He's probably the most well drawn of anyone here and he barks like a dog and breathes fire! I never would have expected The Dark Lord to turn against his master like that.

The explosions and everything else was unbearably amazing. I can understand why it has been such a long time since the previous installment as this must have taken forever to make. It is said to see the series end, but at least it ended in such an awesome way. The fight scenes are flawless and actually make sense. I think my favorite power would be the eye beams. They really destroy everything in sight.


I was thinking this would be an audio only thing because of the title. It turned out to be better than I thought it would in that respect, which I am glad. The downsides were that there didn't seem to be much here in terms of animation. Everything just seemed so stationary it reminded me of the "Go Animate!" cartoons. I hope I have the will strong enough to never make something like that on this website at least. The jokes weren't too bad.

It was a pretty funny idea to think of optimistic ways to deal with your own beheading. It would be a much better death to die like a gladiator. I think for the most part, a gladiator's life really was like that. Who would volunteer to fight and killed for the amusement of others? I could see where the gladiator was coming because the other guy was getting annoying.

Still holds up!

What's amazing is how good you are with visuals despite not being that detailed. Even though most colors are lacked, you still show great talent with shading effects. It is interesting because this seems to be the first one that has a story with it. I never would have thought a violent stick series would get more serious like this. Okay, it's not really serious, but it has more of a plot. The way you show depth is great, particulary with the bullet holes in the glass.

I thought maybe I was supposed to press a "Play" button that was the foreign language. In case anyone's wondering, it's just automatic. The best instance of animation might have been when there was a closeup of that knife being thrown. A lot of the effects like that contrast well with the more simplistic design. I wish more of these would be submitted here.

He sounds like a puppy

This was interesting to watch because it seemed like a precursor for the "Pencilmation" series. This is still decent in its own right and the animation is pretty impressive for the time. You just know that something bloody is going to happen. You probably shouldn't have a harpoon gun thing to play with in the first place. I like how the red blood contrasts so well with the notebook paper background. The artwork is nice because his whole body seems to be squiggling all the time.

It could have been longer, but shorts can always be good. It really looked like it wasn't going to be a violent cartoon at first. Everything just seemed to be so innocent, until he got out that harpoon/spear thing. I like how he whimpers at the "Replay" credit. You already manage to make your character sympathetic with a brief first episode.


It's great how you have just never made a bad episode in this series. The only thing I did not like was how the backgrounds could have been detailed more. The really nifty thing is that you simply have no idea what is going to happen next in this cartoon. You would think it would be done when their bodies were apparently destroyed. It also ended on a pretty funny anti-climax. Of course, I imagine you wouldn't need your body after that.

There were just so many visual jokes and styles going on. It's great when the purple guy shows his arms flip around in slow motion and when he blocks the other guy's power balls or whatever those are. The big hammer was a great touch too. It is not hard to say why this is probably the most popular and influential stick series ever made.

The ponies are nice

You simply can not go wrong by paying tribute to all these internet memes. Hey, they're certainly more new than the Falcon Punch! The animation was great in this, although my only disappointment was that it was just too short. It seems like you could have gone further with this, but you still show the memes everyone knows and loves at this point. Captain Falcon had a pretty suitable voice. I was thinking that with the menu screen, it would be longer.

My gosh, I didn't even recognize Nyan Cat when he appeared on the menu screen. The best part was at the end when all the punches came together. I knew that with a title like this winning Daily Feature, you could simply not go wrong! You, RicePirate, have just been making every popular flash nowadays. The animation is gorgeous as always.

It does look dated

This was a mediocre submission, but I can praise you for getting such a high score. What was weird was that Yoink appeared to be DickNeck in this. Then again, this was made in 2004.... My gosh! You predicted the creation of DickNeck! You weren't kidding when you said this was a documentary that shook America, the original DickNeck should check this thing out. It could have had a lot better animation, though.

Speaking of internet memes, Yoink reminded me also of the Slender Man in this. It was pretty satisfying to see him get shot like that. There could have also been some more action, but it was interesting to show that side of the forums, which I don't really understand. Will there perhaps be a sequel given the hook at the end? You might want to submit that one as soon as you can.


I thought that "Trans Fat" was fantastic, but here's a submission that's completely flawless! It only helps that something so long would be so great. I only counted 29 minutes, but whatever. It is not the longest cartoon on the entire website, as it took me 40 minutes to watch "Super Mario Bros Z. Ep 7". This is still fantastic, because there is just so much going on. It's amazing how there are so many characters who all contribute to the story well.

It should be illegal to give this a second place for anything because it's so fantastic. I will probably never be able to understand the true meaning behind it. That doesn't matter, because it brings out a wonderful sense of philosophy and joy in me. Everything moves smoothingly and I especially love the drawings showing what day it is. The color effects are just gorgeous. The voice work and everything else is great, thank you for keeping up my interest for that long a time!

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