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Wow, I was always wondering where the babies would come out of the man. I guess the anus is better than any other places. This toon was a ton of fun to watch and listen to because it was just so insane and relentless! This is probably the most edgy (or at least disturbing) cartoon TheWeebl has ever come up with. It would take a demented mind like Sexual-Lobster to provide the art! Weebl seems to be teaming up with virtually every other popular NG celebrity nowadays.

The surrealism is at its best, especially when he talks with the purple shades around him. There's tons of unexpected stuff going on, like him eating stuff. I hope that's not he makes babies. It was so stylistic it was hard to figure out when the cartoon looped. I love how the babies look so stupid when they fly around.

Great tribute

This was great because the animation is fantastic and it's a perfect tribute that should please pokemon fans such as myself. I rarely see the main trainers from the Black And White games. I was not expecting Missingno to appear at the end. It came off a pretty haunting feeling even if the cartoon ended after that. The pokemon he was with was so cute with how it ate the rare candy. Yes, there are no officially too many pokemon for me to keep track of in terms of their names.

It also happens to be my birthday today and this was a nice little present! Everything just moves so smoothly in this cartoon. I was thinking the trainer would turn into some super human or something. Even the part at the end that showed the links to your profiles was cool looking! I am glad you are keeping up the good work.

Now that is awesome

I think this may have had some of the best animation I have ever seen in a comedy flash. It's even hard to accept it as a comedy kind, because it's so wonderfully well done. I especially love how the main character has a really cartoonish appearance in contrast to the more detailed environment. It was just gorgeous to look at. I assumed it was going to end up with him being on the ground at the end. The cool thing was that I could make out some of the stuff on the headline screen.

I think it was saying personal stuff like the screen was talking to someone. It was really cool to see those commercials which I think are all real. I know the part about recycling was from something I had seen. It almost looked like that guy's mustache was actually his chin. I am so saddened that this happens to be the only flash you have ever submitted here!

Only in Kenya!

This was a really cute flash because it's interesting to see how cute predators can look. Even when they were gnawing on the giraffes, they were adorable. I loved how you put in a lot of descriptions and words that were not announced in the song. Most of the time, you would have to pause but it gives you time to look at it. I like how the cute design of the predators contrast with the more realistic designs of their prey. It's just adorable to watch them move their little feet back and forth.

They also work because their designs are also simplistic. One of the screens says, "If Kenya was to physically urinate all over Norway* as well as metaphorically then the orange dotted line on the right would indicate the most probable trajectory to ensure a good coverage". Below that, written in red it says, "This is a fairly rare occurence though".

Still great

The only thing I did not like was how there could have been a background. While it was never finished, it's still great to watch because it's so amazingly flashy. I guess it makes sense that a flash would be "flashy", eh? Okay, what was really cool about this collab was I think it was the first one I ever saw that had characters drawn by different people fight each other. That's a great original idea that I wish would have been utilized further! You guys look like you got pretty close to finishing it.

I suppose if you do not complete something, you might as well have most of it done to see. It was just great to see all this crazy stuff going on. I think my favorite guy would have to be the green one who threw black balls out of his mouth or something. I wish I could remember the names of everyone involved. It's still a tribute to talented animators like you guys.

I am a man!

I could not understand this submission because nothing seemed to happen in it. It was just a single image of some characters from "Naruto" without their shirts on. I guess I can be appreciative with how they were not naked. I guess this was supposed to mock me for being gay, but I do not get the joke. It is never really a good idea to have a single image as your submission. What I also didn't like was how it was the same music over and over.

Music can be fun if it exists in an infinite loop, but this was way too short. It kind of sounds like the audio is from the Spongebob Squarepants movie. I guess I can give you points because it is a fairly well drawn picture. Flashy colors can be nice to look at, but not if they do not really go anywhere. Please try to put more detail and things going on in your submissions.

Hey, not bad

While I was not able to understand the words well, this was still a pretty cool flash to watch. It was mostly because you got to see the Clock Crew headquarters, which I thought were on this website. It seems like what KombuchananClock was done with voice clips from a movie. I noticed that the two clocks had similar eye designs. Then again, they are some of the few I have seen that ever had eyes! The main flaw was that you could have made it easier to understand.

There seemed to be a lot of good colors that were just spun around everywhere. I have always been a fan of creative things like that. It was also a bit nice to see it end with everyone blowing up. I was expecting to hear that "End" thing I do at the end of most Clock flashes, but I did not. You know how to use colors, just make it longer.

The Amish are nice

Well, this was something I could not dislike because it had that awesome Weird Al song. The weirdest thing about that song is that I had never even heard of the original song it was making fun of. The main flaw with this was that the animation and backgrounds were not good. You should probably work with some shadings. Is that by chance Wade Fulp's real life wife? I know Tom Fulp's wife is April, making me think it would have worked better if you used him instead of Wade.

The lips are actually synched up pretty well. Some of the animation did kind of flow well, especially well with the hands. I think this might be the first time I saw Bedn in an actual submission. I hope you try to touch up on transition effects and backgrounds because that was what kept me from liking it a lot. At least you have good taste in music!

How awkward

Wow, I was seriously not expecting that to happen at all. It's a bit hard to say whether this was good or bad, it was just very strange. It's easy to tell that black guy is the most popular character in "Left 4 Dead". Seriously, it makes me think that we should have a "Left 4 Dead" section here with all the parodies there are around. The creepy thing was that the girl zombie kind of looked underaged. Well, I guess age doesn't matter when you're undead.

I have a feeling everything will go well for this guy. I noticed he has a blood stained clawmark on his side so he should turn into a zombie eventually. Then again, zombie love is a pretty disgusting sounding thing. I am not sure why, but the funniest bit was when the music came back after the credits. It really changed the mood.

Interesting characters

The best part of this was easily the artwork shown at the very end. The artwork in the actual cartoon was really good so that was a double whammy. The coolest thing was probably how this series really took off with a plot. Even the dialogue seems intelligent with all the talk of going to other dimensions. I imagine racism would be a problem in a world with so many different species. Angry Dog is so great with his deadpan humor.

It was interesting how he did not appear until later in the cartoon. He's a good foil to the rest of the chaos. I usually try to look at the things that are listed as sort of Easter Eggs. I am sorry to say the words were flashing by so fast I could not really make them out or at least not remember most. The only thing I remember is "Fantasy Bears Mass Suicide".

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