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Could have been worse

I am not familiar with the rest of the series, so I was quite confused as to what was going on. I did manage to think this a little entertaining because the animation was so bad it was good at many times. That being said, you could work more on animation. It seems weird how the characters just move and even tell jokes. You did seem to have a good understanding of what color effects to use, though. I think there were some uses of the cutaway gag from "Family Guy".

Anyway, the voices could also be better, although they were certainly not terrible. It was also hard to understand what was going on. It seems like it was trying to have a story when it really did not. Random humor can really work for me but it can clutter something that tries to have a story. I am reminded of Dr. Kelso from "Scrubs".

InfamousD responds:

Thanks Eric,

I uploaded the full version of this flash under 'Derek and Kelso 4' which could give u a better understanding of what's going on. I would like to know how it reminded you of scrubs, lol.


It seems like you just never had a bad submission under the Chrono Trigger Unglued title. This was fun because of the funny sound effects. I loved hearing the Muppet noise at the beginning as well as the ending music. It is too bad Jaspar had yet to be introduced into the series. Still a good watch, because it had a lot of good humor, especially when Fritz entered the story. It was funny how you had to click on the shiny thing because it was so frigging obvious!

Well, I guess that was the joke. It seems like there could still be some more action scenes put in, because I do kind of expect that. The humor is good, but it is a parody of "Chrono Trigger" after all. It's amazingly how consisently you guys have made this long running series. It was weird to see Lucca on the title screen but not the cartoon itself.

Clovis15 responds:

I'm glad you liked it, and thank you so much for your kind words. I will admit that CTU isn't very battle driven, but there is a nice fight scene in Episode 15 with the Dragon Tank. There will also be a major action event in the upcoming Episode 24 (or possibly 25, it depends on how the writing works out). As for the title screen, that's actually Jenny (an original creation of CTU). Jenny was originally meant to first appear in this episode, but the flashback where Fritz explained how he couldn't possibly tell how young she was eventually got bumped back into the next episode.

Master Lamington!

This was another great entry in this series because you once again really let the emotions do the acting. While the characters did not move their mouths, it was great to have dialogue. It gets even better when Rina-chan voices Etna and Flonne. I think these cartoons were the first time I ever heard of the Disgaea series. While I doubt I will ever play it, it's great to be introduced to the cast and story this way. The characters all look so amazingly adorable, especially considering most are demons.

The penguins are easily the funniest part as they have the best voices. I loved how you spelled it "dood". It was great to see some action scenes in the non sprite parts of the movie, even if there was not much action. I am so disappointed it has literally been YEARS since you put out a new episode. If you cancelled it, I am glad it came out while it lasted!


Is Emmy Cicierega by chance the sister of Neil Cicierega, a famous animator here? I think I even saw a flash from him where he talked about his sister. Anyway, this was really cool because even though I was not familiar with the characters, it was fun to watch. The funniest part was probably when he went crazy after hearing that he wasn't fancy. There are so many things going on. WHen something is a "short", it is always great to see people try to put in as many funny jokes as possible.

Sometimes, this comes across as too random but this still managed to be well paced. Although it mostly lacked color, the design still looked lush. I wish more people would make animated versions of webcomics. While quite incomrephensible, that has never stopped me from liking something before. The voices are funny too.

Twas okay

It is nice that you got something with a really good rating even if it was not that popular. I really liked it how it was easy to transition from scene to scene from the simple "Next" button. I am having mixed emotions about the animation. It's hard to say they are bad, because a lot of the times it's so cheesy you can not help but think it was intentional. Some of the designs of the dots are actually fairly good. Another good thing was the random death of the mushroom guy.

There were just not too many things that were elaborate. I felt like the jokes could have used some work, but it was random of course. It was nice to put all of these in one collection and not just seperate submissions. In case people do not realize this, you have to watch every episode to move onto the next one. There were few things really particularly great or terrible about this.

BanglaBoy96 responds:

;D thanks for the review

Lots of potential

The best part of this was the animation. I felt it was funny how there was such splendid animation regarding the title and the transition effects but the other parts were fairly bland. I suggest you try to throw in some more music and more jokes. It seems like this ended quite quickily and there was not a "To Be Continued" or anything. At least you had some funny jokes like the random "Banana Phone" joke. Geez, how long has it been since I heard that meme referenced?

I also liked the little easter egg with the tiny words. For those of you wondering, it says, "If you can read this, you're too close to the screen". I do not think I am so much close to the screen as I am just a guy who likes at those things. The monser itself had a pretty good design. Try to work a little more on jokes and have more of an ending, but congrats on getting so many voices.

00-BEN-00 responds:

Thanks for the review! It's really useful

The script had actually another ending, but it was 2 months past halloween already, so I made it an open end.
I noticed myself too that there wasn't too much music, I worked on that in the next animation I'm doing now called 'The Mine'.

Thanks again for the review! :D

It's realistic

I don't think a gorilla would probably eat a person like that (I think they're herbivores) but it is fairly realistic. I mean, if you seriously went up to a gorilla like that, do you think it would end well? It's great to have an actor credited who only has a single yell. The music was quite fitting or should I say "unfitting". It was nice to see a Valentine's Day cartoon right before the day came. I hope you have a happy Valentine's Day as well! Please do not try to give a valentine to a gorilla.

The least part about this was that it was way too short. I understand that there can still be good short flashes but it seems like there could have been more a joke. It is still pretty funny to see that girl as she gets torn apart by that gorilla. The animation is still good. Your artwork kind of reminds me of the stuff ZekeySpaceyLizard did independently.

I wish the Planeteers were here

I heard they were actually thinking of bringing back that show to combat global warming or something. Anyway, this was really funny because of how stupid Captain Planet is. I thought you were going to say something about him killing everyone in the world, but that would happen anyway with the Earth's atomsphere being destroyed. He should have just eaten them! He said birds were the only thing that kept him from doing it in the first place! I love how insanely strong Captain Planet is.

He seems to be Dragonball Zesque with how many cities and stuff he destroys. I also loved the joke about eating plastic for some reason. The animation is great as always and stresses how pathetic Captain Planet looks. I see you have changed your name to The (Sexual-Lobster) for some reason. Well, it adds to the abstractness of your submissions!

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i saw some concept art for the updated show, it was even more mulletitious.


Woah, Chris is getting really good at voices as I could not recognize him at all in this! It was great how everyone had a distinct and relevant role. I would have liked it if it had simply stopped with the two people looking over the field. It was a great twist to place it in World War II and have the bombs suddenly go. I was disappointed that this was not longer as I felt really anticipated for more emotion and action. The illustrations in this are fantastic.

World War II is always a good thing to use when using a war. It cost more lives than any other war and is probably the most famous war ever. I loved the shading too, especially how the colors blended so well. You guys made this effective by not having sound at first when the bombs came down. I am looking very forward to the upcoming parts.


It's weird to realize that Barrack Obama was talked about even back then! Well, I probably did know and recognize him at that point. This was a really cool idea but it could have been executed better by having more of a story or by making it longer. As this is basically a promo for your website, I can not blame you for that. The animation in this was actually really good. It seemed similar to some of the stuff that has been used by Appsro.

I always thought of Dick Cheney as being the only one who was actively sinister. Karl Rove could also qualify. It was also good to see the fights being appropriate, with Al Gore helping out with the environment. It could have used a play button at the beginning, but for some reason it is not an infinite loop for me. It seems like a followup should be made for this new presidency.

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