It was cool to do a different gag with Jaspar and stuff. It was also nice to see that cat show up there, as I have really never had any idea what he was for (I haven't seen every episode, but you should know that). In case anyone wants hints, the scene actually came off as a bit strange. I clicked on everything and nothing happened. It then cut to a scene outside and when I clicked again, it worked. Once that happens and the guard talks, go under the bed. If only I was small enough to even fit under the bed.
It was the first time where clicking on a non-pixellated thing DID NOT help me. Well, maybe it did but whatever. It was also great to see a different theme at the end. The original was always good, but it became so common I skipped past it. The music all around was great and it seemed to be a good story with comedy. There was not much action, still.