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In case you are wondering

All the bits put together add up to a total of 25 minutes. You guys probably should see this, because it is just so amazing to see so many great artists all come together for something, especially considering the medals are also easy to get. It really does seem like everyone put a lot of effort into each individual part. I think it might be the first time chulaid was on a collab and given how great he is, he certainly deserves to be in one! It was weird with how you could never tell what a single character's face looked like. I think my favorite part would be when they talked about sickle cell disease.

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit

This was really funny and it makes me miss the old "College University" stuff you used to make. It actually is funny because this uses a different animation style than most of your other stuff. I love how silly the narrator sounds and how angry Dean is. The funniest part was probably when he mentioned that stuff about eating the wolfenstein's heart to gain its power. I don't know why, but it was funny to hear him talk about using a dagger to rip out his heart. The beginning and middle were also great.

So good!

In case anybody wants to know, this lasts a total of 14 minutes. I was so disappointed when it ended right there because I wanted to see more of this awesome stuff! Make it the longest submission ever! The animation was simply fantastic and it was great to see the unique designs of all the characters and enemies. It was also great to include all those backstories to make sure we were familiar with the characters and even the weapons. I keep thinking that Xero looks like Sasuke and/or Madara from "Naruto".

Pretty funny

The weakest part of this was probably how the animation could have been better. I still appreciated it because it had some fine voices and the animation was not terrible at least. It is strange to see how this is going to turn into the 201st episode of "South Park". The funniest part was probably when the fortune teller forgot who he was. I just now noticed the "Go, Going, F*ck" thing on the go button. The backgrounds could use some better design but it did seem like the character designs were original.

The winner!

Well, of all the hundreds of Madness stuff submitted for today, you were the lucky guy to manage to get the Daily Feature! As you are in fact the creator, you deserve it! The giant blender made this so much better, especially the final death. I was wondering if it was a prequel or sequel or something, so I am glad you pointed out it is non canon. I was kind of hoping more for a full fledged episode. Still, the violence is as utterly insane as it ever would be and man has it been a long time since I saw that blending series.

I counted!

There were exactly 24 kills in this entire cartoon! It was interesting to see how the plot advanced as I was a bit confused by how it was a dream at first. It was really cool to see the characters transform into zombies gradually. There could have been some more action, but it is nice to focus on character development every now and then. There were TONS of posters and words in the background and here is one that was shown on the title screen.

The Hollywood Faggotry
Brittany Spears as a zombie. As if anything changed right?
OMG shocking celeb news! Miley Cyrus is having a big party in her mansion! But who's alive and that much of a faggot to even go!!
Yup! While 3/4's of the world's population is proven to be dead, we're still fucking faggots who stalk celebrities and make shitty news coveregees about whatever the fuck they do. Reports indicate that almost every single overrated Disney star is now either dead or a zombie! More on Page 2.

LittleLuckyLink responds:

Thank you :]
I'm glad people noticed the newspapers and secret stuff

Not as terrible as most

This was not that bad, but it was pretty bad. What I liked was how it did not just go on and on but actually did have a point where the cartoon really stopped. It almost seemed like you guys were trying to come up with something legitimate at first. I liked the title screen you had at first, but it would be better to work more on that. The content was a bit unique, I suppose. Again, it is hard to believe that so many people worked on something that was so short and did not even seem to have that many parts to it.

Great cartoon!

Wow, in the light of all these great Madness Combat cartoons, it is cool to come across something different that is so good! At least this managed to get a really high score. Even the names of the characters are ridiculously cool! These have to have some of the most original designs for any stick figures I have ever seen. I think my favorite part was probably when Nhazul took Mr. Pix out from beneath the ground and just pulled him through it! The characters have fantastic depth in thier fighting moves, too.

It was a story

As this was your first flash, I would have to say that I thought it was alright. It seems like there really could have been some more color. It was kind of weird to see the dog become brown but have only the outlines of his body become brown. I do have to give you credit for having a really cool title that perfectly fits the cartoon. The animation was not that great, but you can certainly improve from there. Just work on your coloring and animation effects and with a few more jokes, you could make great work!

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