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Great addition

It was great to see Donald Duck appearing and for that matter, Daffy Duck. These are some of my favorite things on Newgrounds, although I did think the cartoon was a bit too low. I love how pitiful Mickey sounds and how stupid Goofy sounds. Donald just looks hilarious with a voice box in a wheelchair missing his legs. When these characters swear, it's just funny in itself because really how the voices are funny. I laughed at the part where Mickey said that "Weekend At Bernie's II" was a bad movie.

Very creative!

I thoroughly enjoyed this because it used a completely different kind of stop-motion. It took a little bit to get used to, but it was fantastic overall. I like how it was also a really standard fairy tale story, and it reminds me of that movie "Tangled "I saw last night. You obviously put a ton of effort into this and I am very glad. One highlight was how you made the knight smaller and smaller in the pictures to show him going off into the cave. It is a submission that gives you a true sense of wonder and awe.

Could have been better

I can't quite put my finger on it, but the quality of this animation looks very different than what you have done before. It is rare I see this kind of style in any Newgrounds cartoon. Additionally, I thought this was pretty good, but it didn't seem to build up to any great punchline. The entire thing seems to be imitating classic Tex Avery cartoons. I too have called some people a "silly goose", but not my pet. The funniest part is probably how stupid Mr. Woofykins looks and how he moves.

Great again!

I think this was a really new style for you, at least with the animation. While not as good as some of your other stuff, it was still really fun to watch. I thought he was going to take a dump or fart on that guy's head or something! Geez, maybe I have been around on the Internet too long. I recognized the artwork style, but it was still a different form of animation, and the highlight is how good the shading is. It had a fair amount of stuff going on for a short, with all the guns and blood going everywhere.

Good flash

I guess with how it is nearing Christmas this year, I just had to enjoy this little Christmas submission. Congradulations on your award and score as it does deserve it. It works that it uses that great music at the end. The sprite work was really well done, and I liked the idea of Santa fighting off all those demons and stuff. It was a bit...random to have a cat be that guy's weakness, but whatever. The end also gave me a good heartwarming feeling even if I could not fully understand it.

How strange...

Dude, you are on a roll, as you just keep pumping out great flash after great flash! The biggest strength of this may actually be the ending. Most of the time, you expect these two guys to chop each other up to pieces, but they actually left with honor at the end. I suppose the wound in the blue guy's fist will cause some damage. Congradulations for being original and for having real depth (both story and artwise) in your submission. Since the one guy used a yoyo, was the other guy's weapon a fllffl?

Still good

This submission was enjoyable to watch and I am becoming more familiar with the series. I kind of have mixed emotions about the animation. On one hand, it's pretty well done, but it just seems to contrast a bit with the whole action and comedy thing. In the next episode, I woud suggest more action. The best thing about this was undeniably the voice work as everyone really had a distinctive voice and I have noticed how more flashes nowadays seem to be looking for more voice actors. I think Sapphire might be the next Rina-chan!


It's submissions like these that make me miss the work of Randy Solem, as he's been gone for a long time now. This was great because it had the perfect amount of action in it. The designs for the transformations were fantastic, particularly with Sonic in that gray spiked hair form. I also like the idea of Shadow having a "son". I have yet to see the other entries in this series, but if they are as good as this one, they will be great! It was also cool to use that underrated song from Nickelback, "It's Not Over".

shadefalcon responds:

Thanks for all the kind words, but the song you referred to at the end, is by Daughtry.

Thanks for the 10.

Hard to hate

The reason I can't really hate this is because the song itself is pretty good. It is also because this just would have done so much better if you had just turned it into an audio submission instead of a flash submission. It was nice to at least have some different shots of him dancing like that. At least there was definitley no false advertising. I was also surprised to find out that it did in fact have an end, even though it did loop. Put in more of a background and have more action going on next time.

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