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I admit that this seems a bit more disorganized than other remixes. It's still a great one. You do know how to combine all these awesome songs into one. They're not so much mixed together as they are sung in continuation. Well, I guess they're not really "sung". Whatever is done, it's done well.

I appreciate how this is all in good spirits. I like how wacky it comes off. I am starting to remember some of this. I'm not even sure if it's quite from the Donkey Kong games themselves. There are a lot of good DK songs on this website.

Well, originally I thought it was a bit slow, but it certainly got better as it went along. I appreciate how there are so many styles crammed in such a small time frame! It seems like there's one every twenty seconds. I do in fact remember this from the Game Master cartoon. At least some of it reminds me of Donkey Kong. It's quite unpredictable.

Even hearing it numerous times, it comes off as like that. It's just that good. It still takes awhile to really get used to it. There are just so many themes it's hard to think of just one. I really did like this cool song.

It wasn't until around 0:32 that it really started getting down. At first, it just seemed like a standard Zelda song. I guess with all the great ones I've heard, it could be interpreted as that. It makes sense this was in Game Master 5 as Sam T favorited this. I really do like this song. It's great to hear how the action keeps building up on itself.

It's so good, I can't believe I don't remember hearing this in the cartoon. Well, I review thousands of them. Chances are, I just forgot this. It makes me realize what great music the Zelda franchise in general has given us. It's quite whimsical.

While not as good as some others I've heard lately, this was still really good. It took me awhile to really warm up to it. Even without lyrics, this really does tell a story. Or does it have lyrics? I just like how nice it's all laid out. It really gives you the feel of being in a nice old-fashioned place.

While it could have used more variety, a jolly tune is always good. I'm really visualizing a Renaissance era with this tune. It's more pleasant than what I've heard that was like. I guess it's more of a Renassiance festival. I love songs that are in good spirit.

Well, I'm glad I looked ahead to see where this came from. I think you probably did make this nicer. That is no easy task, my friend. I guess it's just so hard to NOT make this nice. It really is one of the most tender songs I've ever heard. I assume a "song" applies to all music.

It truly has the spirit of a lullaby. I wouldn't be surprised if people used it to put their kids asleep. That sort of thing never really worked for me. Everything is just so wonderful in this. I just love how good it is. You've proven great things can be made greater.

Woah, this is some of the best Zelda music I've ever heard! At first, I thought it should have had more variety. It did get some around 1:31. It doesn't really matter, this is just an awesome song! It's the best of its kind I've heard in a long time. It does manage to built itself up, albeit very suddenly at the beginning.

It's something that gets better the more you hear it. It's extremely ambitious. I guess I'm going to be using that word a lot too. This project worked out perfectly. I can't believe nobody has used this in anything. I'd love to hear it!

Wow, this is a song from awhile back. I'm surprised I have not reviewed this one before. It perfectly captures the spirit of the Zelda games. I do kind of wish it was a little different. I always enjoy hopeful music. Then again, this might have been more of wonder.

Wonder is a fantastic emotion too. I keep seeing this new weird thing that's shown while the music is being played. It says Happy, Drugs, etc. It must have been too long since I've reviewed audio submissions. All in all, I really liked this.

This is one of my favorite music pieces from you. It's too bad you seemed to stop. Then again, I suppose most of your submissions are music pieces anyway. I think I could hear your voice in this. Either that, or it's a voice that's been used in your work before. It really was ambitious music.

I am starting to become familiar with dubstep. Well, I guess I've always been, I just haven't heard it in awhile. I imagine anything you make would get a high score. You might want to use this in a future flash. Well, it wouldn't be the same repetition you're used to.

It's pretty impressive how you made two audio submissions for one entry. Wait, that Earth game had a lot more. Well, I guess this is better because it's a cartoon. It's always nice to submit everything you have here. It really is quite a complex song. I can't tell if some parts are audio failures or part of the song.

Given your love of surrealism, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter. I just how like much the sounds jut out by themselves. You get a good sense of effort in this. I appreciate the style. The build up is fairly good too.

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