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Quite fun

I had a little trouble understanding this game at first, but I definitley understood it the more I played it. The only reason I like this so much was that I played it when it was first being submitted. I was able to always rank in high on the all time scores as so few people had played it! My highest my 8,000, but dang it, someone else beat me to 15,000! This game is not intended to be a lesson in biology, just something quick and fun. As it gets harder, you can only pray for one of those things that allows you to eliminate enemies.

Dang oil spill!

I can always count on Newgrounds to give us some satire or at least a game that features modern problems. I was impressed by how well it flowed. I was not even aware that I was not able to advance past the rocks as I kept thinking I could just go over them. I liked when I could just locate where the next space between the rocks was there and sort of "walk" along that part. The music is pleasant and seems to be unfitting. It looks as though by now they have finally put that cap on it, too.

Another point 'n click

I like this game a lot because it has really great graphics. With the number of CGI games rising, it is great that so many people are working hard to avoid the uncanny valley. As always, it is great that you include the walkthrough. I would think that once I got the hammer (or is that a crowbar?) I would simply be able to knock the cop out. Kind of a strange thing to say, but in a horror game like this, anything goes. Everything has a fairly unique design and it seems as though CGI here in general is getting better.

Great fun

It was weird how I got 200 points for slamming against other cars, but that eventually killed me. It was really nice how I was able to drive off the road onto the grass and everything. I really admired the graphics in this, especially with how well the cars moved. When I jumped on to another car, it was hard to tell if I had died or not. I prefer using the smaller cars because that gives you more room to move around. There is also a lot of detail in this, which you would not expect in a road game.

It does get better

I really have to praise you for holding the record for most 0 point medals in a single game. It is always great to get medals, even if they literally mean nothing at all. I was surprised you managed to keep the whole thing up with so many characters. As simple as this game might seem, it actually does get a lot harder as it progresses. It is always fun to wonder how the next character with look like being shot. I thoroughly enjoyed shooting those morons, although I did skip past some descriptions.

53xy83457 responds:

Read the author comments. Whether the medals get points or not is out of my hands.

Also, you skipped past more than just the descriptions. You missed a whole game!! Quickdraw: Cyber Hell is included in this as well as Quickdraw: Pico Day Special.

Glad you enjoyed it anyway, thanks for reviewing.

Overall not bad

The strongest part of this game is how it does not rely much on heavy graphics, but is quite simple. It is always fun to know how to get a secret medal without even trying. I liked shooting the little bug things just to se how long it would take for them to die. Another fun part was the first boss, but the second boss was simply a nightmare. The most convienent part about this game is how you can always come back after dying. Even having to start the previous part over after a boss does not really irritate me.

Not the worst thing

I have to give you some credit for coming up with something that actually was a bit fun to play. It was nice how you were able to turn off the sound as the music did get annoying. The biggest problem with this is that the graphics are just not that good. You still managed to be pretty creative, with all the ways of hiding the green button (or object). I got as far as the Newgrounds level. It is pretty nice how it is unpredictable as to what will happen in the next level, and it is not all that simple to play.

mothballs responds:

Thanks man, that's good to know. Graphics don't really matter to me, I like to stress a point that
Gameplay > Graphics. But I think I should have made it a little longer, that's all.

Fun at first

I should know by now that all games here follow a certain formula after awhile. I have to give you credit for having two easy medals that actually are worth quite a bit. I simply can not get past the level that has the three blue beams with the goal in the left corner. Nonetheless, I admired this for having good graphics and nice sound. It certainly is fun collecting all of those stars as well as trying to set up a strategy. It is also great to use this thing where so many people are allowed to express their own creativity.

MiniClip is back!

This is easily one of the greatest games I have ever played sponsored by MiniClip! I was so disappointed when it seemed like MiniClip was not submitting games to Newgrounds anymore. I loved the spirit of these, particularly with how good the graphics were. I remember the items as having been from previous games. BTW, in case anybody wants to know the sure fire way to beat the boss, merely get him to the corner of the screen and keep on kicking until he dies. While that does seem like a cop out, it is a great way to win.

I find it hard to believe that some guy here was actually able to make over 14,0000,000 points! Anyway, I am glad it was a game that was here in its entirety. While the MiniClip website is great, it is always good to have stuff here on Newgrounds. My favorite move was the blue kick with the "L" button. I was amazed at all the unique designs the enemies had. Hey, with robot dinosaurs you can never go wrong!

That was great!

I have to love this game because it has one of the most simple premises, but still manages to be completely awesome! I loved all of the things that were around to make you gain points easily. It was easy to pace yourself to get more points. The graphics are great as the sounds and atmosphere are extremely authentic. Granted, I doubt anyone would have to jump on to different tracks like that in a real life rollercoaster. It is an extremely original idea that truly keeps you sharp and on your toes.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

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