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Great stuff!

I did not play the original game, so I can not judge on how this was in relations to the first game. I did think it was cool how the graphics were really cute and it was as good as any 2DPlay game. It seems fairly simple, but then again, I was not about to get past the first day. What matters is that you have a really cute premise that is executed well. I actually work at a restaurant, but I do not bus tables or anything. I can imagine how hard it would be if a single person managed an entire restaurant.

Pretty good

This was quite a nice game to play, even if I could not get that involved in it. I thought the graphics were designed pretty well and it was cool how the weapons were used. This was not complicated, it had a simple enough premise. It was cool to just see the bombs pop out of the submarines and even funny when they hit you. Timing means a lot in this game and it is pretty easy to lose a lot of points. It is satisfying when you finally managed to get those well earned bonus points.

It did get hard

You simply have to die dozens of times to understand how to avoid each and every thing. There are things like tree branches that I do not even now are hazards in the first place! I thought it was interesting how she had one breast exposed. I heard that Amazons were supposed to burn off one breast, but I think I saw both of them. I did not even know there was a pursuit button. It gets more fun the more you play it, because you realize you do not repeat the same mistakes.

Neat game

I have to give this game praise for being original and having a lot of stuff going on. You have seriously made an impressive network of characters and elements going on. There is just so much to explore it really gives off the sense that you are in a whole new world. The graphics are decent enough and the gameplay is pretty easy to understand. It does not help saying that it I would probably need a walkthrough to complete the whole thing. It was very nice of you to include an automatic save.

A great underappreciated work

I find it hard to believe this does otn have not have a higher rating, but at least it has a good number of views. Everything is put up very well in this game, despite or perhaps because of, its simplicity. I loved the theme in the beginning with that Matrix reference. The joke you put in your author's comments was pretty funny as well. While it did not have a background, it was able to create a real world for itself. The transitions and simple gameplay just make this a winner for me.

How colorful!

This is among the most elaborate point and click games that I have ever played! I never was able to get into any of them, but it is awesome how I can just sit back and admire the animation. It has almost CGI effects that jut out to the player. The music is very atmospheric as well and I love the sort of gothic setting you put it in. I also love how everything is specifically detailed and the characters contrast with the background. While it is not one of my favorites, it is fantastic to simply watch and admire.

It gets hard

This had some of the most interesting graphics I had seen in awhile, as it was very loyal to the feel of the original series. You are the one who made it, so that would make sense. I tried playing this game for 30 minutes, but as I was knew, it was hard to get accustomed to understand it and all of the upgrades and stuff. At least it was a simple enough game to follow. At first, I thought it would be like one of those games where you had to get the combinations right. While it was hard, at least I got two medals.

Level 12 is hard

Well, no doubt people around me are going to get these medals like crazy, but this was pretty frustrating. Most of the levels were playable, but the 12th one is simply unbeatable. I have to do the exact time pressing and I did it too slow fall down one side of the screen and too fast I do the other side. At least the graphics are nice to look at. Everything seems to be designed pretty nicely as well. It was fun to just go around and switch all the time as that was a pretty creative thing to do.

Very nice

I thought this was a nice game to play, even though it was very simple. It was nice how this was featured as the game of today when it does not even have any medals. I think this was good preparation, as I tried to answer the questions the way I would. I have never had a girlfriend, or even a really close friend, so I would not know much about this. I probably only got so far because I would have done that in real life. It is great to see a serious game as opposed to a hentai sim or something.

Nice and cute

I was impressed by the graphics and how it worked so well to make a cute and delicate feeling to everything. I really also liked how there was a lot of stuff to do, even if it was just one picture. I did think that it could have gone further, like having more things to click. I thought the cupcake itself was not the only thing that could be changed by being clicked. This is extremely cutesy, which was probably what it was supposed to be like. It is not one of my favorites, but it is decent enough to recommend.

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