Not bad
This game was pretty fun to play. The controls were easy, and the design was good. I will say that you should probably add more features to it as it got kind of boring. Still, it was pretty good.
Not bad
This game was pretty fun to play. The controls were easy, and the design was good. I will say that you should probably add more features to it as it got kind of boring. Still, it was pretty good.
Good game
While not a classic, this still had a lot of innovation and originality going on for it. Can you give me some hints on how to use the drill? I hit the rock, and it doesn't work! Anyway, good to see a game from you guys again, The-Super-Flash-Bros.
Pretty creative, but hard!
It was an enjoyable game, even though it was freaking HARD. Could you maybe make it so you could press the click button once. My finger's sore!
Didn't understand
Sorry dude, but I couldn't make heads or tails of this game. I tried having fun, but I just didn't know what to do! However, the design and concepts were original (if incomprehensible).
Fantastic game
This is one of the most well-detailed games on this website. I had to update to Flash Player 10 to be able to play this game, but at least I have that out of the way now! The levels of difficulty are good, and this game has really created a big environment that gives its player plenty of space to move around, explore, and of course, shoot stuff. Truth be told, I never played "Doom" when I was a kid, but I am glad to be in an age where ordinary people can replicate and even update versions of their favorite video games. Thank you very much.
Very original
I'm going to admit that this was a very original concept. Finding differences has become kind of cliche, but by adding a moving story going in, it keeps you on your toes!
Thanks a lot, you got our point.
It had been a project for an animation course and since we put this kinda twist in, it kept us on our toes as well :)
One of my favorite games
This is by far one of my favorite games on this website. Out of all the games you've made that used this style, this was the flashiest and most well done!
Guilty pleasure
I could play this all day. The game itself has no point, but it doesn't need one! It was simple to make, yet it still managed to cause interest, because it was just so fun, if not for being pointlessly silly.
Pretty cool
While I admit it was really hard, the designs were great. I especially liked how the machine walked! Keep up the good work.
Great game
You're new here, but I'm glad to say that this is a great game! It's really hard, but the design is creative and manages to take a lot of thinking to be made. All in all, this is a great first game, and I look forward to any that you may have in the future!
I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!
Age 35, Male
2719 E. 8th Street
Joined on 9/21/08