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Great to see it here!

I saw this on another website and I am glad you put it up here on Newgrounds. The best part is this is probably the superb animation. I just love how everything has so much depth to it and there is so much bouncing around with all the images. It was definitley unique, as I had little idea as to what was going to happen next. The final joke where his legs fell apart made it worth to watch until the very end. While it did not have that intriguing of a story, it was still just nice to look at for some brief flashiness.

I remember those!

This was great to watch, if only because it has been forever since I read those little Golden Books. While I did not read this one, it definitley brings back great memories. I kind of felt as though this single joke dragged on a bit too long. It is still funny to hear those deep and scary voices in those little kid's books. You can not go wrong with a premise like that even if the backgrounds leave a bit to be desired. "Zogg" is a funny name to use and it is appropriate for alien monsters conquering the Universe.

Look what you did!

This was really funny, because it seems like a joke someone should have made before. The closest I ever came to thinking of this joke was when I hear about doctors diagnosing their patients with a disease. How mean of them to do that to their patients! The animation was alright in this so the strong point was the delivery of jokes. It was cool to see how personal those attacks would get. This almost seems like something you got from some old viral video, not that I would want it to be real.

This may be your best!

I admit that I am not the biggest fan of your work, but this is definitley the funniest thing you ever made. I kept thinking that the whole thing was supposed to be a commercial for a real place. It really helps that this has the highest quality animation of anything you have ever done. I loved the detail put into the designs of everybody. The funniest part by far was when the knight mentioned that he hated black people. It is just great to see this silliness without relying that much on crude humor.

Fairly fun

I was not expecting much from this, but it turned out to be a lot better than I thought it would be! What is so funny is that you pretty much can do everything with your imagination. Yeah, I knew it was going to end with a guy going to an asylum at the end. The animation in this was really good, especially the "Avatar" parody. The visuals itself are a delight, like the beginning with the fan throwing the paper money away. It seemed like something really funny that just worked well through our advertisements.

Do it!

This was great because the idea of Jesus and dinosaurs is so funny. While it would not be the first time someone did something like this, (Raptor Jesus) it was executed well. I was disappointed because at first I thought it was just going to be really short, but you threw in a second "sketch" or part. Jesusaurus looks good with his beard. It was cool to take note of the cameos by Newgrounds characters at the crucifixation scene. I think it may be the first time I saw someone else use Leo and Satan (he would want Jesusaurus killed, after all).

Good stuff

It is always clever to use this sort of plot because it is something we can all associate ourselves with. Every person who has access to a computer (or at has at least reviewed something here) has had something like this happen to him or herself. The animation is mostly really good. I can not help but shake the feeling that the main character looks like Beavis or a snake or something. This reminded me of Scoot Whooko's series which blends mundane stories with great animation. Hopefully it has inspired some people who have worked on homework.

Brilliant, above everything else

The weird thing is that this did not even seem like the song I was expecting at first. There are just so many things going on even before the song begins. I think it may in fact be the first time anyone made a music video that was entirely a battle, at least in this format. It was really cool how you started off so subtley. I felt that you really did well going into the psyches of Super Sonic and Metal Sonic. It is different for its kind, so for that, it is definitley worth checking out for any big Sonic fan.

Very fun

I seriously think that this holds a record for the longest time a flash has gone on after the credits! What I am trying to say is that there were certainly tons of twists and turns. I am not familiar with the "Bleach" anime, but can appreciate its popularity. I really think this went beyond the normal stick flash to create something really colorful. That is literal, as I really like the use of flashy colors in this. While it did go on a bit long, I would definitley recommend this to any "Bleach" fan.

Ogiyose responds:

yea looking back at it it goes on abit too long making it abit boring at the later part lols. ur rite

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