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An unearthed treasure!

I am glad I watched this as it is probably the best Ultraman tribute I have ever seen on this website. Not only that, but it may in fact be the only Ultraman flash I have ever seen here! As it is such a long running series, it is great that someone made a tribute to it. What really works is that some people view the series as being cheesy, but you make sure to make it as serious as possible! The animation was spectacular. While it could have used a little more action, it was so fun overall I did not care.

300 Walruses!

The animation and voice work is as impressive as ever. I do kind of feel this was not one of the best entries, as I was kind of turned off (no pun intended) by the guys making out. It helps that I am a huge fan of zaniness and that is what this entire thing is. The funniest part was probably when the scientist was explaining how the monster was created. I was expecting a "Shoop Da Whoop" joke when he was firing his laser. It is interesting to have a three part story in this ridiculous series.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

i have no idea what shoop da whoop is, i just think lasers are cool.

Kool aid song?

This was not terrible, but it does really need improvement because it was even a little difficult to understand how it was related to the Kool Aid Man. I guess it just needed a lot more detail. Orange happens to be my favorite color, but everything was pretty non sequitor here. I admit that it was pretty unique, but it just needs to have better animation. It was a bit annoying to hear him say the same thing over and over. That was a very weird ending where he just stopped and went back to playing it after the logo.

As funny as ever

While this seems to have more of a plot than some other episodes, it still manages to be extremely funny. I think the reason I liked this so much is simply because I was able to associate it with myself so much. I have this brother who had a really nasty habit of never waking up. We even also made jokes about how he was a vampire. Highlights include the fantastic and creative dream sequences and the scream at the end. I also like how you put in random subtitles, as though you are riffing on yourself.

Tom's a Jehovah's Witness?

I love this cartoon because it is a pretty long one, but always manages to keep the laughs up. I liked how the elevator was CGI in contrast to the more crude drawings of the characters. It was especially fun to see a parody of the "Line Rider" game. That thing is so mainstream I am surprised that I do not see it being made fun of more. I would never get my pizza from a place that was called "Pizza Butt". For keeping up with the consistency of your disgusting but funny stuff, I praise you for your consistency.

Quite insane!

I think this is the most surreal submission I have ever seen from you guys at Eddsworld! The funniest thing was how you sped it up and even sped it up more in some places. The animation is also cute, especially when it shows Eddie as a baby. I should have known that only a song as surreal as this could come from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". Tons of stuff seemed out of place, but that was pretty much the entire point. And to think, at first I thought it would be about a kid who loved his teddy bear.

That is awesome

I kept thinking this was going to be a parody of 4Chan, but it is so good in its own right. The best part is probably the brilliant choice of music. I do have to admit that I thought it was kind of well, weird, to see those cats that looked so human at times. There was also this weird single human in a car. Still, you guys put together a brilliant story by putting real emotion into the characters as showed in their faces and actions. The coolest part was probably the black walls rising or whenever there was dialogue.


It is funny how you mention Mr. T not having a show anymore, when the A-Team movie was recently released. I love this one because it focuses little on plot, but is mostly just pun after pun. The funniest part was probably the beginning when he was talking about killing those poor unicorns. What really works is simply how fast paced the cartoon is so it entertains you even if it is not that long. It was cool to have scene selection with something that was not particularly long again. The voices are great, too.

What's a Newgrounds?

I am glad that this time you managed to have a Halloween focused episode actually released on Halloween! It was also great to see a new logo and a new intro. I am starting to notice that the animation is getting better all the time, even if the series was always focused more on humor. It is amazing how Blockhead is not even consistent in calling in "Ghostmas" or "Halloween". One of the funniest moments was when he said, "Neither am I!" (in the beginning). While he may have come off as just annoying as first, I now do think he should be in a mental hospital, like my brother currently is.

Great story

I love the "Mortal Kombat" theme and of course all the other great elements. It is just great to see the biographies (well, brief descriptions) of so many mods on this website. As you are one of the most well known, it only fits that you would be here. It is stuff like this that makes me wish I was able to attend these things. I live in Florida, specifically Panama City, and there are not any comic cons or anything around here. If nothing else, it is great to see (or at least be reminded) of what the guys here look like.

I am one of the most prolific reviewers on this website and even on the Internet! I am proud to be such a huge fan of this website!

Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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