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This was too short, but I still loved it! I guess it's probably because it's fast but still funny! I always like it when I can recognize most of the audio. I liked Scene 11 the most. BTW that "Ace Attorney" movie was awesome. Probably the best live-action video game adaptation ever made.

I liked the usage of other stuff. These things are kind of minimalist. Still, they're a lot of fun. Dang, that woman has big boobs. I appreciate that.

I admit this wasn't much. It was just Stephen Hawking getting killed by Optimus Prime. Then again, that is a pretty cool concept. I feel bad for enjoying that. Well, the animation was pretty good. There just wasn't much to this.

The voice is pretty funny. It wasn't just a standard computer voice. It was fairly unique. It was hard for me to find this. I couldn't find it with the three Es in the name.

This was the same day another second episode appeared on Newgrounds! Two by my favorite authors, nonetheless! There's a fair number of characters in this series. It's still hard to keep up with them. You draw so beautifully. The animation seems better than ever.

The voices are great. Everyone's is so distinct. I am eager to see where this story goes. I like the idea of the lone woman being the most powerful member of a group. The action was quite good.

I'm so glad to be reviewing the first great cartoon of the month! I easily recognized Brad's voice. I just saw one of his reviews this very day! I also loved hearing Doug Walker's voice too. I wish those guys had official profiles on this website. It's weird how you didn't credit any of the voice actors.

Not even LegendaryFrog was a voice. I just loved this whole thing. The MST3K like bit was probably the best. It's been too long since the last episode. I had mostly forgotten about it. Brad's voice is so freaking awesome.

We've all had a teacher like this. I had forgotten a lot of this math. Hey, it's the quadratic formula! I can at least recognize that! I had a sadist teacher known as Coach Biggs. He showed us what he claimed was a bottle of severed tongues.

He was our driving instructor. Obviously, that wasn't until later in my life. It was still pretty sadistic though. Should I even be telling you this stuff? Well, you told me your story.

Wow, that felt truly epic. It was more like 15 minutes. I still loved it. It's great to see Alfred get more and more deranged. It's so crazy what this guy can do. I will admit the animation could have been better.

You do get better with later cartoons. You have no idea what insane thing Alfred will do next. He seems to have a female voice. Well, I don't care. Madness is so entertaining.

I loved this! I thought it would just be about video games. Well, a lot of stuff on this website is about video games of course. I think my favorite was the Mario and Sonic one. I really thought it had the "Moskau" song. I just loved the variety.

I think I saw Nobita with the "Inspector Gadget" music. I just know a lot about anime. I loved the length too. There was surprisingly a lot of porn. I guess not enough to give this an A rating.

This was a pretty fun cartoon. It's mostly because I just love zombies that much! It was however, too short. I needed more going on. It did seem to tell a story. My favorite part was the tennis ball covered in gas.

It's just a fun combo. The music was pretty good too. You have a pretty unique style of animation. I guess I feel kind of bad for this guy. I wish I knew more about him, though.

I love this cartoon because you really have no idea where it's going. The initial gag is funny, but it builds up so nicely. I just love how it changes its main joke. It really is unpredictable. The animation is pretty nice too. I understand the title now!

Not much else to say. It's pretty direct with its humor. I can appreciate that. You'd think the gag would just end when he found out what he wanted a heart. It almost seems like two cartoons in one.

I have to admit this wasn’t great. It was too short. I think nowadays I’m just so used to lengthy reviews. Then again, I watch movie reviews. I guess video game reviews don’t need to be that long. We’ve evolved with reviews so much.

I do love Abobo. You guys were associated with Channel Awesome at one point. So was everyone! This just wasn’t that entertaining. It wasn’t insulting or anything.

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