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Yeah, Flamezero! I have read both the manga and watched the anime. Okay, I didn't quite follow the anime as much, but whatever. It was weird how some sprites were more detailed. Tenten's were especially more complicated. I can appreciate that.

I loved how you had some hand drawn stuff here. Wait, is Flash hand drawn? Whatever, it looked nice. It's great that you take all these different franchises on like this. I love "Naruto" too.

Well, that was truly bizarre and it was awesome! I thought that this would just be like a series of shorts with gags. Instead, it actually formed one coherent story! I'm so glad I got to watch this. The colors were great too. Or should I say color?

Everything was just so lively. There were so many weird things going on. They all ended up having relevance. In the beginning, the "Skip" button only appeared in a few parts. Nice music too.

I was not impressed by this. It seems kind of cliché to make fun of emos. Well, it’s just been done too many times by now. I did like the emu joke. I wouldn’t want to hurt those guys. The animation could have been better too.

Well, it was an introduction. I guess that was okay. It didn’t have anything too unique. The voices were alright, I guess. You’ve made better things.

Wow, this was really funny. I guess we'll never know what the correct answer was. I was suspicious as to why there were only three answers. I know my tests! Anyway, the animation was great. I love how Raphael is the only sane man.

You really need a character like that. The voices are so hilarious. Donkey is so funny. If he exists. Leonardo's screams are funny.

I thought this was just weird. I mean, I guess I should have just seen the other ones first. Actually, it seems like one of them is missing here. Anyway, the animation could have been better. It really wasn't that good.

Still, you make a lot better cartoons later. At least it had zombies. This was still not terrible. It probably could have been a little longer. I did like that thing at the end, though.

Wow, I was impressed at how long this was. I mean, everything just kept escalating. I had no idea who would show up next. I was thinking that some of these guys weren't in "Super Smash Bros.". It was pretty obvious when Vegeta appeared. Hey, who knows? Everyone else has been in the games!

Okay, not StrawberryClock. This might be the most viewed thing that has him in it! The music was great too. I was waiting for the sandbag to fight back. Too bad he still died.

Wow, that was really weird. I mean, it's still one of the best Star Syndicate cartoons ever. I actually really loved this. I knew that Rtil's would be the longest. That was easily the best. The brevity of this made it work quite well.

That voice seems familiar. Well, I've probably seen it before. I didn't notice that "Next" button. I'm glad the others were short. I think it might have just been a rtil cartoon and the other ones would make a collection.

I guess this represented the game well. Actually, I've never played it. Whatever, it was fun. I admit it probably could have been funnier. Still, the animation was pretty good. I probably have to be a fan to understand more of this.

The voices were fairly good. This just isn't my thing. The set up was quite nice. It's nice for a quick watch. I'm just not a fan of yours.

That was hilarious! It was just so much fun seeing this play out. Well, I wasn't literally playing it. Shouldn't David have voiced a character like Shadow the Hedgehog? Well, it's still hilarious. The best bit is probably when he mentions that he's paying him back with his own money.

The voices make this. I wasn't expecting him to succeed. Well, only for 15 minutes at this point anyway. He was right! I loved the too far away jokes too.

That was a strange cartoon. I was thinking the same thing about the oil. I mean, it was certainly unpredictable. I'm glad to see the whole thing. It was kind of funny with how the words flicked in and out like that. It was weird, but entertaining.

I guess it was well animated. You just make better things later. I admit it was fine for what it was. I liked the voice. It kind of sounded like the guy who played Worf.

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