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Wow, I haven't heard from you guys in a long time. Merry Christmas! Nice to know I have an epic Christmas cartoon to watch this year! I truly appreciated how there were many unique parts. I thought it would just be spam. You know, with the flashing stick figure.

I mean "flashing" in every sense of the word. We need a good return at the end of 2020. Not into the SS, but you have to appreciate how diligent these people are. We didn't have 2020 vision for this year! My favorite was the one with the penguin.

A kid wins the state of New Mexico? Somehow, I think you exaggerated this. Anyway, it's hilarious. I have never been in a fundraising project like this before. Selling candy bars? I thought that was just from an episode of "Invader Zim".

Damn, was that show awesome. Uh, Merry Christmas? Well, you can watch anything any time of the year, I guess. It kind of reminds me of the Spongebob episode "Chocolate With Nuts". I keep being reminded of my childhood cartoons.

I was afraid this would be too short. Yeah, this is probably the best you've ever made if only because of how long it is. I know how long it can be to make a single cartoon. I really did feel bad for that old woman. Or uh, old mouse. This has been a bad year for everyone.

This should have its own section. At least it wasn't the year of the bat. Well, it kinda was. I loved how this was more serious than previous cartoons. Well, more heartwarming at least. Here's to a new year that couldn't possibly be worse than this one!

Uh, wasn't expecting this to be so short. Still, the voice is fantastic. I didn't even know she was talking about pissing. As always, your animation is amazing. I was expecting Rouge to do something you know...hotter. Fine for a short joke.

I admit to not being familiar with this series. It certainly looks great! I could appreciate the great animation. This should probably have its own section. We need more sections around here. It's weird to see so many credits with something that isn't a collab.

I'm glad we can credit as many people as we can. The jokes go together quite well. I knew it was a gay bar. The using of blue is greatly done. The running time worked well too.

I knew this was a reference to "Chowder". I don't even know this character's name! I can at least remember his design. It's quite original! This was wonderfully animated. I'm glad we have so many great collab parts coming up.

I just noticed he turned into Chowder at 0:11. You do have to watch this numerous times. Good thing it's on automatic replay. I never watched this show. Seems good from what I've heard.

Didn't know there was a "Half-Life" collab coming up. Well, we have collabs of everything nowadays. I just love this huge Mario reference. Everybody's played Mario! I at least know about Gordon Freeman. Kind of sounds like Morgan Freeman.

The animation was wonderful. It looks exactly like Paper Mario. It replayed, but then it showed the credits over. You rarely see a collab part this good. Always good to know how much effort is put into something. Even the bugs are cute.

Wow, that was fast paced. I can see why it's so good. I do wish that it was a little more unique. You've done cartoons like this before. Still worth checking out. I love the animation as always.

It gets generally scary at the end. You know, with the music. He should be able to predict him doing that. Everyone can associate with this. Well, not a bot that fast.

This was more simplistic than most of these entries. It was still awesome. Things have been awful for a long time everywhere. I love that jaw alignment joke. You do always seem like that. Probably the most popular live-action series here.

Well, it does use animation. I hope it's still around. I have nuts in my mouth. Well, the pits of dates. This is just great as always.

Damn, that was cruel. Still really funny. I guess Santa got what he deserved. I think in that situation, it should be up to the parents. Wait, is that a pro-abortion argument? I mean, he was already born.

Wouldn't they have known that? Well, maybe technology doesn't work that way. The animation was gorgeous. We needed something beautiful in this. Amazing how many people worked on it.

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