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Have to admit that I was turned off by the credits. I mean, they were taking up too much space. Still liked this cartoon. Their two voices were the exact same! Again still, this was good. A shame it was released on New Year's Eve instead of Christmas.

Dang, I'm complaining too much. We all need something positive to think of at this one. This is the first time I noticed this had its own collection! Happy no longer 2020! I'm glad you worked so hard this year.

I thought this was great! The best part was easily how much went on in such a short time. I'm glad I could recognize all the pokemon. I kind of lost count after the first 500. It was quite faithful to the franchise. I thought that Psyduck was powering up for a psychic attack.

Maybe that's just something from the anime? I haven't played that many of the games. It looks like it could be a great series. Maybe more going on. Welcome to Newgrounds!

Keeping it short? That doesn't seem very short to me. Well, not for you usually. Foamy often comes across as an angry comedian. We seen a lot of those. Foamy can still show emotion without a mouth.

I'm not really bothered by this. I've been depressed for a long time now. So has everybody. I appreciate the emotion put into Foamy. The background's pretty good.

I have to admit I'm not that much into video games. Well, I've learned a lot here. That's what most parodies are of anyway! I appreciated the animation as always. I do admit this was a bit of a lesser entry. Still good though.

I remember in "Final Fantasy Gil Quest" when they joked about Playstations 9, 10, and 11. We'll probably get to those someday. I'm just used to seeing actual video game characters. The voices were good. They're always good from you too.

At first, I was wondering why the score wasn't higher. Oh, I misread it. I thought it said that it was a five minute scene, not a five second one. Well, it was based on a five second one. This was still good. I need to read better.

The Auditor's design is great. He looks naked! We'll probably have a "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" collection soon. We ARE planning on making a three hour parody. The body count was 5.

The animation was fantastic! I just have no idea what the joke was. It's always impressive when something so short gets a score this high. It said Ragegram. She's pretty cute. The one eating breakfast.

I guess the one who took the picture isn't too bad either. Angry Birds cereal would probably be good. Oh, it probably does exist. Nice simplistic title. You need to make this longer.

James? I don't know who this James is. I appreciate the animation. It was certainly something new for you. I liked the little people joke. This was submitted on Christmas yet had nothing to do with it?!

Well, this was kind of bold. Then again, maybe people vote high on Christmas? It's still certainly good. Should have looked to see it was the first in a series. Good luck to you on this.

This was very funny, if only because of that last part. I admit to being annoyed at people promoting YouTube here. 500 subs is indeed fairly low. I was thinking you'd put porn in at the end. Glad to know it was just violence! Yeah, that is a weird standard in this country.

You know, nudity being worse than showing violence. The voice was um, good. I love how you get into the politics so well. I'm not going to look those porn pictures up. Really, I won't...

destructin responds:

That's fine. the 500 sub thing was an excuse to make a video while there was a momentum on my youtube videos. I wouldn't upload this video here if I didn't include the Newgrounds exclusive.

You don't have to look it up if you don't want.

Merry Christmas 2020! Yeah, I knew it was meant to be like "Garfield". Why do I know so little about "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"? It's everything on the Internet! Seriously though, this amazing was fantastic! I can see how you spent so long on it.

Well, I really know nothing about making cartoons. I assume it can take forever. The colors fit well too. Nothing to do with Christmas, but still awesome! I'd love to see a series like this.

Psy35 responds:

imma be totally honest, it wasnt intended as anything christmas and I just happend to finish it on christmas

Merry Christmas! Yeah, this is too short. It at least managed to make it into Christmas 2020. Can't say I'm surprised it's the lowest rated. This at least managed to be harmless. It isn't crude or anything.

I'd rather have a dull regular cartoon than a dull crude one. Yes, I miss snow. Anything would be a relief for 2020. You need to make it a lot longer. I need to stop feeling crude when saying that.

Ndog3856 responds:

It's supposed to be a loop. Normally in loops, the goal is to make it short

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