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Damn, I really should have seen this cartoon before. This never lets up for a second. I really knew it was great when he got rid of his walls. Good thing he had spare walls! It does make me think it would be a whole different world for kids that grew up in the 2010's. I remember when I had to wait for access like that.

I did not go to those dirty websites back then. Well, I mean back in the 2000's. If I had grow up in the 2010s, maybe I would have! This is the first time you had children in your cartoons. Figures it would turn out like this.

I thought this would be five minutes long. It was still great. I love how you used birds. You showed some great designs in this. Well, definitely different designs at least. I love how the final joke was set up.

I thought it would be over something trivial. Like, not related to what they actually did. I'd think he'd recognize bird poop. Such a shame this didn't win an award! All of them should have.

Another great cartoon that sets up the jokes. My favorite was about Australia being on fire. I forgot that! I just assumed everything bad that happened this year was the fault of the virus. Oh, that was probably caused by it too. At least Mr. Peanut came back to life.

Great final punchline too. In many of these cartoons, those are often the best parts. You just keep giving out the jokes. I believe $14 is quite expensive for shampoo. You show great animation with the shower shifting around.

Dude, this was hilarious! I guess it's not technically one of your best, but still great. You just have no idea what the punchline is. Maybe it's a little too long. The punchline still works wonderfully. These cartoons always look great.

The little moving they have is just awesome. It suits the silly style of the cartoons. I see the $20 and 20 cents joke. I thought I might have already seen this. Always glad to see new material.

Wow, how impressive you submitted all of these in one collection! I will admit it's nothing technically new. Still, it's impossible to not love it. My favorite is probably Pigeons. Well, if only because it's the first one in the series. Stupid Xi Jingping.

Oh no, will I be censored for that? Hail Xi Jingping! This animation was always great. To make consistently great cartoons in 2020 was no easy task. I just noticed the $20 dollar 20 cents thing. You always find new things in great things you've seen before.

Wow, this was freaking amazing! I had no idea whatsoever that this would be so incredible! I'm not even a fan of "Chowder". I've seen maybe one episode, but from this, it looks like an amazing show! So many beautiful art styles! This is the greatest reanimated collab I've ever seen!

What a great farewell to flash! The scenes with Panini were probably the best. I like even the story made a lot of sense! Well, that's for the creators of the show, not you, but still! I can believe 200 animators worked on this! How have I not even followed any of you guys?

I simply have to give this the full score. Dang it, why couldn't this have appeared on best cartoons of the year? It's great the date was appropriate of course. I have seen every one of these cartoons you mentioned. I especially love how you included ones that were never on this website. Damn, if only those were here too.

I think you have personally created more flash cartoons than anyone in the whole world! I mean it, at least in terms of number of series you've made! At least in terms of sections here, you've made the most cartoons. It's stuff like this that makes me proud to be one of the most prolific reviewers on this entire website. Man, as if 2020 wasn't already the worst year ever. Creativity will still never die out...

Very creative! Anything would be watchable at the end of this year. You may have been a bit too grotesque. Well, I've seen worse. This was still quite entertaining. My favorite part was probably the rat creatures.

They were the most well drawn. I thought it would be a loop at first. You know, with how redundant everything started out. The ending was pretty unexpected. I just hope all goes well for everyone.

Wow, that was odd. I mean, I really don't see why the score is so high. The animation's pretty good. It is well paced. It just doesn't make any sense to me. A guy finds a sock.

I didn't even know who Oatly was. They keep saying "Hartrup" all the time, especially in the beginning. It sounded more like Hartrip. It was certainly unique. Just, goodbye to 2020.

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