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This might be the greatest trailer ever created! I'm used to amazing stuff from Madness, but not like this. I'm glad we have some live-action stuff going around here. Well, it had Jebus. It was kind of like Christmas after all. Sanford and Deimos were wonderfully portrayed too.

Wait, so his name is Jebidiah Christoff? I haven't been keeping up with the mythos. There's so much violence it's hard to keep up with the story! I never noticed how bald he was. I mean, they're all technically bald. Krinkels should have been under credits & info.

Wow, this was so freaking cute! You rarely see something this adorable on Newgrounds! I was afraid it might get too cutesy, but it still managed to be awesome. I would think someone with the name Deadlycomics would be darker. I'm so glad it kept this consistent light tone. My favorite part might have been when he went up the elevator.

I remember the goldfish character. I love how you've created this beautiful Universe for your characters to interact with. They're all so fun and adorable! I wasn't expecting something this good today at all! I think we're in another golden age of cartoons here lately. I love the idea of a tour being given to one person.

This was like a YouTube Poop! It was just animated to match the bizarre editing. I loved how unpredictable it was. As a huge fan of YTP, it was great to see these edits being put to animation. I feel at less than a minute, I had enough jokes. It just kept going and going.

This is easily the best appearance of Spamton I've ever seen. It makes sense that crystal meth was the one thing that didn't look like it was edited. I'm glad I didn't look at the tags. I don't want any jokes in this being spoiled for me. It's just nothing but hilarious joke after hilarious joke. This is one of the funniest things on this website and it should have won Daily Feature!

Cockadoodledee responds:

Thank you so much! I love that little guy's chaotic and cut-together energy so I wanted to capture it as best as I could. Appreciate the comment! :)

I'm getting used to seeing these. I still can't keep up with the characters. It doesn't matter, because it's just meant to be funny. I appreciate the details with how it's shown like a comic. Well, there's tons of webcomics out there. These characters are so expressive, even if they aren't well detailed.

I loved the art shift with Cloud. Toots' nose seems to be on the right side of his face. Even if he's not an evil clown, he's still annoying to the other characters. They play off of him so well. I found his antics amusing.

Holy HELL, that was good! At first, I thought it would be all live-action. Then I thought it would go through different animation styles. It did eventually! I could easily recognize Rick in your style. The funniest part was when she said, "...the hundreds of people we couldn't save!".

Well, that was certainly unexpected. I feel like this was awesome enough to get a trailer to await! I am so reminded of Lara Croft with Naomi. You know, in the very early days with square breasts. I'm glad we got non square breasts too. I think Rick is going to enjoy being in Hell after all.

I haven't seen all the Wallace and Gromit related things, but I've seen most of them. I loved it right from the logo! What was truly amazing were the sounds with the knocking. I have no idea how you made sounds like that. I thought it would be about Gromit being executed. Instead, it was just murder!

Shaun the sheep wasn't in this! I really had no idea he would turn into cheese. You even made it (somewhat) in the same style as the original shorts. There were so many fine details. We need more Wallace and Gromit stuff here.

Wow, this really was a cute cartoon! I was so impressed at how precious it was! You rarely see more innocent stuff here. Oreos are so awesome. This really does sound like a character from "Rugrats". Not the setting, though.

I wonder if she was just trying to open the bag. That would have been just as funny. This was a charming little cartoon. It looks like she's half mermaid. Of a course, one fourth mermaid?

Coffgirl responds:

She was trying to crush the oreo in the bag for her food receipe

She's a shark

I had to look up whether "Sonic Frontiers" was a real game. I already knew it was going to be real. They've done everything with Sonic! I immediately thought of Evangelion with this creature. Sonic thought the same thing! I guess that's a good game.

It's hard to keep up with the stories, so I won't bother. We've seen weirder stuff from Sonic. I'm glad you're still around. The funniest part might have been at the beginning. Amy's voice was hilarious!

How It Should Have Ended? I've heard that before! I think I've seen all the gameplay on that game. I especially loved seeing all his abilities. They all looked like Finn from "Adventure Time!". You know, with the hats.

I wasn't expecting him to get beaten at the end! He sure knew how to recover fast! Well, it's just another extra life. The fire was probably the coolest part. Wow, how ironic.

I loved that! They couldn't hold hands? That's a weird way of saying you can't have sex. That's at least how it came across. Why aren't there more flashes about Hatsune Miku here? I loved the stars next to the title.

It was like, "I know!". This was one of the best really brief cartoons. It told a joke very well. I guess those brief cartoons are kind of like "The Far Side". Yeah, that's a great comic strip.

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