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Hey, you know what's a miracle? The fact that I was making this exact same joke yesterday! I admit I don't know much about Mr Beast. I just know he's popular. I'm glad to have learned so much about him from just this video. I've heard some people don't like him.

I thought this would be a really short video. I'm glad it went on. Walking on wine? Why isn't that in the Bible? Can he turn stuff into burgers too?

Chauder responds:

I like to imagine that the Prophet Beast can conjure up only the finest of fast food products to feed the on-coming masses, only the highest quality Deez Nuts bars.

Wow, this was certainly amazing! I appreciated how it had everything that the makes Ena so good. There's an Ena Day now? I guess there's a day for everything. Her leg looked like a penis at first. I just had to say that.

This had some nice music too. I recognize her as an NG icon now. It's a shame I'm not that big a fan of her. This was just a very enjoyable cartoon. The background's nice as well.

I really liked the quality. Then again, I've seen a lot of stuff with VHS style animation. This was a decent cartoon. I liked the animation of the characters. I don't know why popcorn would pass through a ghost more than anything else. I like the voices too.

Yes, I remember video stores. You'd think they would have lasted with DVDs coming out. They certainly didn't. Now, it'll be bookstores next. I hope they have BAM around. That's Books A Million, BTW.

This was pretty well animated, but too short. I thought she was going to strip down. I mean, that's how most people depict Samus! I just personally think she's the most beautiful video game character ever. That suit perfectly shows her curves. Instead, it was just Ridley appearing.

I was hoping for at least a battle. Everything's a fan animation here. You just needed more. It's been done many times. It's okay for what it is.

This reminds me of a "Foxtrot" comic. Roger was trying playing golf and asked Jason if he should go left. His response was, "Right". So we went right, which was wrong. You stole that joke! Anyway, this was very funny.

I thought he was just an idiot. It then made sense as it went along. I assume he went down the wrong pipe. I mean, why would the wrong pipe be labeled "right"? It wasn't labeled left.

Hey, I thought I hadn't reviewed audio stuff in a long time! This was good music, but I guess it would have worked better on the Audio Portal. I appreciate the animation. The best was probably when they were changing clothes. No, that isn't dirty. I didn't know who was who.

These are cute little characters. It's hard to review songs without lyrics. I really did think we'd see stories with these characters. This was still definitely watchable. Or, do I mean listenable? (oh, that is a real word)

I liked the little laugh he had at the end. I didn't think this had much going on with it. It was just Peter punching Lois. I thought you'd make a joke about their cutaway gags. Maybe say, "Hey Lois, remember the time we were anime?". That's all "Family Guy" does anyway.

Then again, that joke might itself be a cliche. You have your own tag! How impressive! You've made better cartoons. Maybe I've gotten you mistaken for someone else.

The best joke was easily the first one. I would have liked it more if it had just ended there. I appreciate the details put into everything. The animation was pretty enjoyable. I thought it would get a lot more graphic. I like how some of them are depicted as meat and others as plants.

Well, that's pretty common. I like how we're getting more CGI. You can get more variety with that as well. You make pretty unique cartoons. I can't easily recognize your style.

That was short, but funny. Wait, why would we be against interracial marriage? Isn't marriage supposed to be from two different people? You know, that's why people are against gay marriage? It's the two same people getting married? Why would you be against both?

Orange is my favorite color, but blue is my second favorite. I appreciate diversity too! It's funny how Orange is usually the most timid character. Is that spaghetti they're eating? It kind of looks like waffles.

SQUiNKTV responds:

Haha all jokes. And yeah, they're filling those candy shells with spaghetti.

That was good, but it wasn't even the full commercial! I have seen this before. It was when the Nostalgia Critic was talking about it. The crab looked like one on the Wikipedia page for "Thinking about the immortality of the crab". The animation was really good. It still probably deserved its Daily Feature.

You can do a lot with commercials. They're pretty easy for a re-animated collab. Hey, maybe we could use them for that! Just look at the "Power Pressure Collab". The facial expressions are great.

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