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Well, I'm going to say I liked this one, but it was still too short. It was nice to see these lesser known Mario characters. Geno! That's what the character's name was! I see him all the time, but never knew his name! I know little about these characters.

I still didn't really get the joke. It was fine for something really short and funny. I didn't know you'd make it that short. It's weird how many previews here are longer than some submissions. It's a cute cartoon.

It always takes me awhile to realize when something is looping. It flowed perfectly well here. I always love your animation style. I still know little about "Undertale". This is still amazing. I didn't know there would be a shark there.

I didn't know things would change so radically. That owed to how awesome it was. I just notice he was already partly broken in half to begin with! I was impressed at how protected I was. I mean "I" as in how the box was labeled "you".

I have to admit that was a bit anti-climactic. I would think yogurt caused cursed wouldn't be something he would try. Well, it did work out in the end, I guess. I loved the part where the people were flying off the edge. Dying is funny! The colors were great.

That was of course the main selling point. I always love seeing those guys at the end. I notice how you always skip Fernando. I keep guessing when he'll appear next. It's usually in the middle of course.

Wow, this was the best in the series yet! The best part was probably the use of puppetry and stop motion. I was thinking it would just be used in that one first scene. I was certainly surprised! A bit of it was confusing, though. It was hard to tell what was going on with these goofy designs!

Aww, Drake has to deal with fantastic racism, huh? Common, but still nice. Everything was so wonderfully detailed here too. I really didn't know where the story would go. It is certainly an interesting series.

Hmm, this one was a little confusing. I wish it had more action. Oh, what can you do with something so short? I always like this animation. Nice skull. I thought "spicy" would refer to the woman.

She wasn't that attractive. Well, she is a skeleton after all. It was more hot than spicy. I guess those are similar enough. It's another good short from you.

This was a pretty enjoyable cartoon. I like Donkey Kong as much as anyone else. My only complaint is that the sound was a bit too low. It's still to see Donkey Kong in action. I know he wouldn't actually use a real gun. It's not his style.

Was it just the third one I played when I was a kid? I thought this would be a song from the Donkey Kong cartoon. The Mario movie is the best representation of that character in media. Granted, I think that and the show were his only representations. The brown outlines work pretty well.

This was very well animated. It was however, too short. At least we got some good animation out of it. Samurai are pretty cool. It reminds me of "Zootopia". Well, I've just been reading into that lately.

I just wanted to catch in on the action. It was quite enjoyable for something short. I was thinking it would be even shorter. The background is good too. Just have more action.

Wow, this looked like something from David Firth. I was very impressed at how great the animation was. It did get a little too gross at times. That's still to be expected. I loved how creative it got. The movements were great too.

This was just a visual treat. We really can wreck our bodies like this! I wasn't expecting it to look so good. "Voice Acting" seems like a pretty generic tag. It's certainly mixed media.

Oooh, yeah it's easy to tell this is an older entry. At 3 seconds, it was way too short. I mean, how can I recommend something like that? Please release a collection of all of these. I sometimes joke about a headbutt being the opposite of a butt-head. I found out "Uncle John's Bathroom Reader" used that joke.

I could still never make something as good as this. It's just nothing compared to your other works. Of course you've made better stuff. I'm glad this is a collection. It's insanely popular!

That was a pretty cute little cartoon. It was unpredictable. I do kind of miss the action the other ones have. They're still silly, but more adventurous. Dang, that's a nice title. The wizard there might be the best drawn thing here.

I'm more used to Louise Belcher. Yeah, I like to call her that. I love all those drawings of the patreons. I'm still not becoming one myself. You do good service for your fans.

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